I bought a Parallax C3 a little while back with the prospect of using it in a similar way as the article above suggests for the Raspberry Pi. I haven't really taken the time yet to play with it. Perhaps that is a good project for this weekend.
The Raspberry from the site will have a"breakout" board. But ts design as a cheep way to jump start their schools, like the original Acorn computer did, in getting students into programming. So its more of a cheep stand alone basic computer than as a module so to speak. A monitor(HDMI or Composit), USB KBD, Mouse and a copy of Linux to have a functional computer.
The $89 BeagleBone is a better board for hardware hackers:
I got one before Xmas. It came with an Altoids tin but I don't think that anyone has actually mounted theirs in one.