Add some cool banners to your Propeller code comments - ASCII Art
Posts: 2,307
Lately I've been using Figlet or one of the online tools to generate some nice title/banners for my Propeller source code. You can also make small ASCII art graphics to paste them in the code comments as well. It can add a nice touch to your code. Some sites that have may help are:
1) It has no function.
2) It conveys no information.
3) It distracts from what you really want to read, the code and comments.
4) It wastes screen space.
So can I suggest keeping it to a tasteful minimum, where it can be a bit of fun. Perhaps a little header or tucked away with the copyright notice at the end.
I sometimes add things like this to show how the method relates to a physical object.
I think everyone missed the fact that I specifically mentioned the use for a banner in the title. So far I use it once at the beginning of the main source for a couple robot projects. When editing the code having it on the first page (or last) really doesn't interfere with any editing, etc. While someone could certainly go overboard there is nothing wrong with making the source code look good as well. When properly used it can help:
In regards to 1 and 2 it can show the title of the program. For me it makes it easier to find the listing of a particular program when looking at the code offline. As the eyesight gets slightly worse the larger title helps. When used on the first page it doesn't get the way of any code and comments in the program.
No one is forcing anyone to use them but I'm sure that a few people might and that is why I posted the links. If not no big deal.
I like just a border around the title of blocks of code so that it is performing a highlight function and not a space waster. The circuit schematics, where applicable, is a nice feature, but only if you use the propeller font.
Cluso has reminded me that one of the first programs I ever used was "banner" on a ICL 1909. Made it easier for us students to separate/identify our ALGOL listings.
Anything that promotes commenting of code is a good thing..
Yes indeed. I'm using the Propeller as a co-processor on a large robot to handle all the lighting and some misc I/O. It has a 10.4" touch screen acting as the PC display which also has a composite input. That is connected to the Propeller board so I can switch to get the status of that at any time. I used Figlet to generate the title in the code:
In order to print in the last spot on the screen I make a copy of TV TEXT and saved a custom version with the project with the code to shift up the display commented out.
For now the box is just used to print out status, variables, etc and I'm still working on the final list of items that I want to keep on the display. It has really helped showing the ADC values while I was trouble shooting the hardware and code to monitor the voice.
It would be pretty cool to see some new Propeller text adventure games with perhaps a little of the ASCII art blended in during certain times. Some sites that have examples: