Consider a year-end donation to Wikipedia

I just did a Google search on the term wikipedia to see how many times Wikipedia has been cited here. I got nearly five thousand hits! Let's face it: Wikipedia technical articles are usually quite good, and many of us depend on them -- either for our own information, or as a place to steer newbies to bring them up to speed on a given topic. But the Wikimedia Foundation does not derive any income from advertising and depends on donations to fund their staffing and web hosting. If you value Wikipedia as an online resource, here's where you can go to lend your support:
Your post is the right way to do it.
Years ago, I subscribed to Encyclopedia Brittanica on line because there was so little factual teaching material in Taiwan and in English at the time. But it is no where near as useful as Wikipedia.
So I figure that I can certainly afford to pay an annual subscription fee as I use them both in English and Chinese very heavily. I don't think a day goes by where I don't refer to them for something. And I suspect I've gotten more facts straight in the last five year than in several previous decades.
Remember they are one of those tax deductible operations.
And they do corporate-matching, too, for those of you who work for The Man.