Erase the EEPROM without using the Prop MCU?
Well Ive gone bonkers for a day trying to figure out why my simple circuit made from a DIP Plus kit stopped working after experimenting with code. I realized the voltage regulator (the 3.3V one) was overheating to the point that it was untouchable, in a matter of seconds. I am kinda new to all this, but I asked around, and it was maybe a huge drain in current that was causing it. After googling some phrases, I learned there may be a such thing as code that can overload the circuit. Problem is, it happens in less than a second after turning on the power. So I cant use the propeller tool to upload normal code. Soooooo now I am wondering, is it possible to reset the EEPROM without using the propeller chip or computer interface (prop plug)? Or do I have to just buy a new flash chip?
Any help would be nice
Any help would be nice
Whilst running different codes on the prop can increase or decrease current consumption by changing clock frequencies or starting and stopping COGs I would not expect that to stress the regulator as you described.
But of course if your codes drive some pins which turn on some current sucking connected devices then you must take the load caused by those devices into account.
Oh, and always be sure to check that the currents in an out of the prop pins themselves are within limits for Prop.
Let me explain a little about the prop and booting. When the prop comes out of boot, it firstly looks to see if there is the download sequence happening on the P30/31 pins. If nothing, then it looks for an eeprom, and if found loads it. Now, of course it may load from eeprom some faulty code, but if you commenced the download straight after the power up, then the faulty code operation would be minimal.
We all have found through various mistakes, the prop is very resilient. Seems you have also survived this too