HBD Chris! Dec 24th is a savage (bad) day for a birthday, as it kinda gets lost in the shuffle. Only my cousin Stanley has it worse. Yep, Christmas Day. Ouch! Here's hoping you Christmas-y birthday folks get a noticeable and appropriate fuss made over you, well above the regular Christmas din!
Happy Birthday Chris! Hope you have a great day! Not many people get off work on their birthday....
Have a great day for your birthday Chris. Because I never had my birthday off in the last 6yrs since working where I work now and goes for some holidays like this one. So, enjoy your time off.
Not a problem Paul. Your coffee kicked in before mine!
(Now who is older? Chris or Ken?)
Found the answer, Chris is older until February, then Chis and Ken will both be 42.
To be 42 again........
(Now we wait for all those January 1st birthdays..