New to Programing.
Hey, I'm new to programing anything but I really want to learn all I can. I'm looking to do a data logger with the propeller chip. And I don't know where to start. I've been doing some reading and trying to get up to speed on what this chip can do. I want to log data coming out of an engine control unit that is already programed to output the data needed by sending it simple commands. I would like to log to the internal or external ram or if I have to, to an external sd card or thumb drive. I have a quick start board and am in need of some guidence. Thanks in advance.
How much data needs to be stored?
What is the rate of data flow?
First you need to get some mileage under your belt. Go through the exercises in the Propeller Education Kit. From the Propeller Tool click help then Propeller Education Kit (pdf).
You can find data loggers and all kinds of source code in the OBEX. Do yourself a favor and run through a few tutorials before tackling your data logging project.
You'll need a way to interface with the engine control unit (this will depend on what kind of signal the controller uses) and a SD or uSD card adapter kit.
Ap Note AN006 tells you how to use a SD card with the Prop.
With a SD card you can store lots of data and then easily read in with a computer.
You could also store data to the Propeller EEPROM but you're a bit limited on the amount of data you can store this way (it will likely be between 32KB and 64KB depending on how much space your program uses). You'll also need a way to get this data from the EEPROM to where you want it to end up (also doable with the Prop).
The flow rate is 115200. And the amount of data is fairly small. Only enough for about 1 min of data.
Yes I know. I've been doing that a little.
It looks like you'll need a way of translating between voltage levels.
I think a RS232 converter chip is one of several methods that would work.