Basic Stamp Editor v2.5.2 Help not functioning
I have not been able to get the help section from the Basic Stamp Editor v2.5.2 to load any data.. The Help Topics window opens however the panes are always blank. I have reinstalled this application twice and always get the same results. I am running Windows XP w/ SP3 and IE8 is my default browser assuming the help files use IE8. Has anyone had the same issue? If so, how did you fix it? Is there another way to run the (BASIC Stamp Help.exe) file?
C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\Stamp Editor v2.5.2\Help
Try opening the default.htm directly in your browser.
Yes, I tried that and I still get the same results. Now I and thinking I have a bad Default.htm file. It looks the same as the BASIC Stamp Help.exe where all I see is the seperator bars dividing the window into 3 seperate panes with no data, just blank panes. Its almost as if it's not pointing to the data that needs to be displayed in those panes. Can you please check this for me. Does your help folder contain 735 files and 20 folders? Maybe I am just missing a file.
If I disable Javascript in Firefox, I see exactly what you see, two empty panes.
I don't know where this setting is in IE, try poking around and see if you can figure it out.