Calibrate formula for PING
Considering about environment affecting Ping sensor, can someone provide me a formula code for calibrating Ping?
The purpose of this is I can adjust the Ping to suit the environment.
At this moment, my formula is DISTANCE = (2260 ** TIME).
If I can calibrate, I can re-calculate the constant value (2260) according to environment.
The problem is I don't really understand how to invert ** operation.
Bronson Alex
The purpose of this is I can adjust the Ping to suit the environment.
At this moment, my formula is DISTANCE = (2260 ** TIME).
If I can calibrate, I can re-calculate the constant value (2260) according to environment.
The problem is I don't really understand how to invert ** operation.
Bronson Alex
in DISTANCE = factor ** TIME.
There is an explanation at this URL.