Difference in counter DUTY vs NCO waveform?

It looks like both counter modes, Duty and NCO, could be used to control voltage and current from a power supply. The last time I tried using Duty to control a 12V source the circuit component got too hot. (I had to solve the heat problem with an 8 ohm ceramic resistor.) I think it was because the transistor operated in its linear region like an audio amplifier. NCO, on the other hand would cause the the transistor to behave as a switch, I think. I don't have a scope to see the difference. I'm guessing that Duty would drive a pin high a given % whereas NCO high time = 50% the difference being in Hz.
In any case would NCO be a good way to reduce voltage? I need power for motors.
In any case would NCO be a good way to reduce voltage? I need power for motors.
Don't think that would ok for a simple DAC or transistior voltage circuit
I still can't get my head around what I think are two things going on. It seems the phsa bit pattern rolls over every 32 clocks whereas the maximum binary value takes 53.6 secs.
At least it appears that duty is what I need for DAC. I'll have to study some more code with a calculator.
If FRQA is $0000_0001, the carry bit of PHSA will be 1 only once every 2^32 (4,294,967,296)
cycles. At an 80MHz system clock, this will occur approximately once every 54 seconds.
Similarly if FRQA is $FFFF_FFFF, the carry bit of PHSA will be 0 only once every 2^32 cycles.
It's important to keep in mind, though, that DUTY mode is no substitute for real PWM when it comes to driving MOSFET gates, for example. This is because some of the pulses from DUTY mode can be as narrow as 12.5 ns (80 MHz clock), which is too short for most MOSFETs to switch all the way on or off. The OBEX contains several PWM objects that overcome the limitations of DUTY-mode for on/off driving apps.
Yeah, I know that in my Arduino_light object I do n << 24 to have 256 levels and ensure the minimum period is long enough.