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RFID reader vs. reader/writer and tag compatibility — Parallax Forums

RFID reader vs. reader/writer and tag compatibility

xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
edited 2012-02-15 08:25 in Accessories
I've bought both the serial RFID reader, and the serial RFID reader/writer. I need to use the writable "World Tag" little black tags - and they're working fantastically with the R/W unit, but I am thinking that the read-only module is not compatible with them? When I run the read-only module up with it's code, it reads the white tags & the keyfob, but not the black tags. And when I run up the R/W module, it reads only the black tags, not the white or key fob.

I am working on a project that will need an RFID reader (read only) on every unit that goes out the door (I pre-program the tags here, and the user orders more from me if they need more). I'd rather not use an R/W unit on every box if it's not necessary - is there any way to get the read-only unit to read the data area on the black 20mm tags? Or am I just going to have to fork out the extra $ for the R/W unit?

Thanks for the info,



  • kmc123kmc123 Posts: 33
    edited 2012-02-15 07:38
    Hey Dave,
    The Read Only modules will only read the R/O tags :(
    The Read Write modules can read the R/W tags AND the R/O tags (There is sample code with the R/W module to read the R/O tags)
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2012-02-15 08:25
    Hi & thanks, that's what I had gathered... I'll just have to use RW modules on all the installations, even though I don't need to write with any of them :-)

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