BS1 compatible Shift Register?
I have a project that requires 16 bits of data to be sent over an RF link to a unit that will be battery powered. I plan to use the Parallax Li-oin Power Pack charger. I'm also using the Rentron 433 MHz modules at
The sender will be a BS2px. I plan to send two BYTES of data that will light 16 LEDs accordingly.
I wanted to use a BS1 on the receiving end and, until recently, planned to use two 74HC595 Shift Registers as seen in Stampworks v2.1 page 134. Then I discovered that the BS1 does not support the SHIFTOUT command.
Is there a workaround for the BS1 to "simulate" SHIFTOUT commands, or is there another Shift Register IC that is compatible with the BS1 and can be daisy-chained to handle two BYTES of data?
I have a project that requires 16 bits of data to be sent over an RF link to a unit that will be battery powered. I plan to use the Parallax Li-oin Power Pack charger. I'm also using the Rentron 433 MHz modules at
The sender will be a BS2px. I plan to send two BYTES of data that will light 16 LEDs accordingly.
I wanted to use a BS1 on the receiving end and, until recently, planned to use two 74HC595 Shift Registers as seen in Stampworks v2.1 page 134. Then I discovered that the BS1 does not support the SHIFTOUT command.
Is there a workaround for the BS1 to "simulate" SHIFTOUT commands, or is there another Shift Register IC that is compatible with the BS1 and can be daisy-chained to handle two BYTES of data?
Or are you asking how to "parse out" a byte as bits?
The reason I choose the BS1 is because I want minimal power consumption. Just now I looked at the Current Draw for BS1 vs. BS2 in the BSM and the difference is negligible. I suppose I can just as easily use a BS2 and use the SHIFTOUT. Power consumption wise, I guess the LEDs are going to be a much bigger issue as there will alway be at least 16 lit.
I do not understand that first sentence. Can you expand on that(for future reference)?
And the answer to the second is no. I learned that on this forum earlier this year.
Interestingly, page 127 of the Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual v 2.2 indicates that the SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN commands do apply to the BS1, while pages 431 and 435 show not applicable.
Thanks for your reply.