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Presentation Research!



  • TymkrsTymkrs Posts: 539
    edited 2011-12-22 12:44
    Thanks Loopy:) Given your experience - what is engineering to you?
  • blittledblittled Posts: 681
    edited 2011-12-22 17:48
    1. I have a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Penn State (and yes I am still proud of my school). Like Phil I wanted Computer Engineering but only the most prestigious universities had it. So I emphasized in digital design and computer programming. Most of 25 years or experience has been in computer programming though.

    2. I had a professor once told me "The difference between an engineer and a technician is that an engineer knows where to look for the information". I feel the engineer is the one that takes the research of scientists and applies it to the development of products to enhance technology.
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-12-22 19:28
    I've always wondered who administered the PE exam to these two dudes.


    Or who quizzed this haughty young punk in Raketenwissenschaft:


    Not to cast aspersions on formal training, but, you know, in some cases... there comes a point...
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2011-12-22 21:11
    What is engineering to me? I wonder if I am being painted into a corner on that one.

    Firstly, it is not the credential mill. I acquired the E.I.T. because there used to be more tolerance for getting certified as an engineer via proof of experience and knowledge. The E.I.T. is rather like a G.E.D. for those that couldn't get to a university, but have worked in engineering occupations. I was hoping to move on to a P.E., but employers no longer are willing to hire those that by-passed the 'normal educational route'. Many are kind selfish about letting others get a P.E. as they represent eventual competition. (It is very much a master-apprentice relationship these days.)

    As a licensed general contractor, I used to provide complete plans and designs for building permits for clients a part of my services. You don't have to have a P.E. or be and architect to get designs approved for smaller scale structures, especially with stud wall construction.

    I have worked in nuclear reactor construction, but in the Cost and Scheduling side of it.

    And I have worked in Estimating and Negotiation for major building foundation excavations in San Francisco - including the Federal Home Loan Building on California and Kerney Sts. And a lot more.

    So, to answer your question. I'd have to say most of my practical experience is in Civil and Structural Engineering. I did start studying Electronics at 12 years of age at Lowell High School, summer session in San Francisco.

    Engineering is a best guess based on empirical research. We never know if something will fail until it actually does, but we can go a long way toward improving our guesses it we understand the processes and tools. It is as much an art and an acquired skill as it is a science or group of sciences.

    I must say that one of the most important parts of the examination is Engineering Economics. A best solution not only is a good fit in terms of strength, durability, and safety. It has to be worthwhile to customer. And whatever we do, we all need customers.
  • TymkrsTymkrs Posts: 539
    edited 2012-01-08 19:36
    Thanks for everyone's input! The presentation that your quotes are a part of is tomorrow! If you would like to watch/join, please sign up by noon tomorrow:

    The presentation is 1/9 (tomorrow) at 7pm CST.

    Register by 1/9 12pm to get information on where to see it
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2012-01-08 19:52
    Tymkrs wrote: »
    ...The presentation that your quotes are a part of is tomorrow!...

    Good luck!

    From the presentation description:
    Tymkrs wrote: »
    Topic: Re-Engineering Engineering

    Making Engineering Interesting. Engineers know how to do amazing things, from the simple blinking LEDs, to complex robots capable of cardiac surgery. With all of these skills, how do they prevent that glassy-eyed look from their children or partners?....

    I'm guessing your conclusion includes something about marrying and reproducing via a geek?
    That's always worked for me.
  • TymkrsTymkrs Posts: 539
    edited 2012-01-09 14:46
    You'll have to watch to see :) I'll mention working with the propeller too (as an added bonus)
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2012-01-09 14:54
    I can't watch in real time. Any chance you can post a copy to YouTube?
  • TymkrsTymkrs Posts: 539
    edited 2012-01-09 14:56
    Unfortunately I think they're just streaming it...If enough people want us (and we have time), we could record it and post it up for a tuesday/friday video
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2012-01-13 09:14
    Did you guys record this? Any chance we'll have access to it?
  • TymkrsTymkrs Posts: 539
    edited 2012-01-13 23:00
    It was recorded, but the person controlling the slides for the recording lagged behind me a bit, so I think we're going to record it for those who wanted to see it but missed it. I'll let ya'll know :)
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2012-01-14 05:40
    1. I am not an engineer, but I design equipment.
    2. In my opinion, an engineer is someone that designs a strategy to complete a task, such as building a machine, a structure, a circuit, a chemical formula, a computer system, etc...

  • MunifTheGreatMunifTheGreat Posts: 20
    edited 2012-01-15 10:07
    1 ) Not an engineer yet(1 year high school, 2 year college, 3 year university maybe 4), just a high school 10th grader
    2) I think it's some people that can come up with tihngs and improve
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