smt eeprom suggestion?
Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion for an smt eeprom that is compatible with the Propeller?
I'm a little hesitant about this one
Not sure what package that is, but looking at it on my Prop proto boards it looks a little tiny for me to hand solder. Is there a smt size eeprom comparable to the P8X32A 44 QFP package that would work?
Thanks for any help.....
I'm a little hesitant about this one
Not sure what package that is, but looking at it on my Prop proto boards it looks a little tiny for me to hand solder. Is there a smt size eeprom comparable to the P8X32A 44 QFP package that would work?
Thanks for any help.....
I managed OK, but I need to try again with my new headgear! LOL
The 44 QFP prop is huge compared to that EEPROM.
I used a different one in the past, but it became obsolete...
Parallax does use the tiny ones, which I don't completely understand...
But, this one is easy to solder and works perfectly with the Prop.
They do stock Rayman's suggestion. (Yes, it's 64KByte, or 512Kbit hence the 512 in the product name. 32KByte EEPROM often have a 256 in the product name.)
Duane that clears that up nicely... I was wondering about the 512. Bit vs Byte gotcha.
I'm pretty sure that size is referred to as TSSOP (Thin Shrink Small-Outline package). I wonder why the TSSOP chip costs so much less than the SOIC chip?
A lot of Parallax's Propeller boards use the TSSOP size of EEPROM.
If you want to get adventurous, you can add a second EEPROM on top of the original for expanded EEPROM storage. Just pull-up one of the address pins (I broke off pin 1 in my first attempt, good thing they're internally pulled-down).