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mapping using ping ultrasonic — Parallax Forums

mapping using ping ultrasonic

golden_knightgolden_knight Posts: 4
edited 2011-12-17 07:51 in Accessories
hello every one i need to solve my problem if any 1 can help me
my project is to give the robot static map and i want update it with ping ultrasonic
the map is matrix
any one have idea how its works ???


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-12-16 16:54
    How do you know where the robot is at? How do you know what position the robot is in? Where would you store this map? What microcontroller are you using? The Basic Stamps have very limited memory available. It's possible to store a small map in the Stamp's EEPROM, but you have to be careful to not update it too often to avoid wearing out the EEPROM locations.
  • golden_knightgolden_knight Posts: 4
    edited 2011-12-17 05:32
    I'm using encoder to locate the robot position and I'm using computer interfacing with pic microcontroller
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-12-17 07:28
    We're not going to be of much help then. Any existing similar projects here would be for a Stamp or Propeller. I imagine that most of the actual mapping is going to be done on the PC and the PIC is just going to send the raw PING information to the PC for processing. Have you thought about how to divide the responsibility for motion between the PIC and the PC? The PC could tell the PIC how long and how fast to move the wheel motors and the PIC would keep the PC updated with the encoder readings or the PIC could do the control with the PC just telling the PIC the desired direction and distance to travel and the PIC would manage the encoder and motors.

    If you have any specific questions about how the PING operates, feel free to ask, but we can't help you with the PIC or PC programming.
  • golden_knightgolden_knight Posts: 4
    edited 2011-12-17 07:51
    k thx you for response
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