Baud question with serial obj
Posts: 37
Do I have to use the same table the bs2 uses for the common baud rates when I use the serial driver objs on the prop. ex the baud rate argument for the serin command would be 16572 for a baud rate of 4800, or would i just put 4800 when the obj asks for the baud rater. That was the mistake I was making when I was trying to get my prop send a message to my bs2 chip.
Welcome to Propdom (the Kingdom of Propellers). Let us know if your having trouble.
I've found my Prop to Prop serial lines work better with a pull-up resistor. I'm not sure about the pull-up idea with Prop to Stamp communication. I think you end up with a voltage divider with a pull-up and a series resistor.
You could also post your code for us to look over.
Edit: Mike bet me to it.
Don't forget along with the 3.3k resistor as the jumper, you will need a wire jumper to connect the grounds of the stamp and the propeller.
Use a wire jumper to connect the GROUNDS of both boards to each other.
This is a very common mistake, that will cause the problem you show.
(but this might have saved yer bs2 5v from frying yer propeller 3.3v, initially, if you did forget the ground jumper)