A new camera that allows you to focus after the photo is taken
Here is a new camera (not available until "Early 2012") that allows you to take a photo, then once it is on your computer, define the focal plane. This removes all possibilities for out of focus photos, and removes the mechanisms and the complex software that run the autofocus on modern cameras. Of course it adds a massive amount of software to captures rays of light, rather than pixels. The first versions of this technology developed at Stanford University required a roomful of cameras attached to a supercomputer. Now it is available in this rather small form factor.
An interesting thing is that they label the resolution of the camera in Megarays (11 for this first Lytro), and don't mention what pixel resolution your photos will be (my guess would be much, much lower than 11 Megapixels)..
An interesting thing is that they label the resolution of the camera in Megarays (11 for this first Lytro), and don't mention what pixel resolution your photos will be (my guess would be much, much lower than 11 Megapixels)..
*IF* all this is true, then 11 "Mega Rays" should translate to 11 Megapixels in the output resolution, but 11 MP * the number of focal frame steps, per image, so if there are say - 100 focal frame steps - then you'd have 11MP x 100 for a filesize... not tiny!
Am I on the right track here, or are they doing something much more magical than I am giving them credit for... :-)
That makes things much clearer!