Building propgcc in debian/squeeze/32bit

I just compiled propgcc on debian/squeeze/32bit.
Just one change: I added the path to bstc.linux in loader/Makefile:
Just one change: I added the path to bstc.linux in loader/Makefile:
ifeq ($(OS),linux) CFLAGS += -DLINUX BSTC=../release/bstc.linux
(I renamed my local bstc.linux to bstc-versionnumber to keep access to different versions, so I had no bstc.linux in my $PATH)
This may cause using a different or an old version of bstc.linux when building propgcc instead of the one in the release dir without noticing it.
And bstc is not called by the same name everywhere:
All copies of bstc are in propgcc/release. Copy the one you like to your path somewhere and call it bstc.
I'll add this to the wiki.
Here's what I get from toggle grep. Make sure your repository is up-to-date.
steve@debian-vm:~/gcc/propgcc/demos/toggle$ grep -r bstc *
pasm_toggle/Makefile:BSTC=bstc has been edited.
...but bst.linux looks like a relict of trying to use the one in the release dir directly giving the relative path to it and removing only the path component when giving up that idea...
So for now my only remaining diff still is: no bstc elsewhere in the path is needed at build time.
My intention was to let you know it is being addressed, and to help others who may face the same issue.
The problem for demos is now handled in the documentation.
The issue of having bstc.linux in the build instructions has been addressed since Nov 23 or earlier here:
I see no reason to change the loader/Makefile .