prop talking to bs2
What would be the best way to have a prop talk to a bs2 and vice versa? Figured I would mess around with this since i have the BS2 HW board. I already tried serin on the bs2 and the simple serial object on the prop, but the only thing that showed up on the bs2 debug terminal was a p then i changed the values and it was a q but there should have been at least 2 characters. Should I use a different com method?
Remember that the BS2 and Simple_Serial on the Propeller are unbuffered. The receiving end has to be waiting for a character when the transmitting end actually sends something or the receiving end will miss it. FullDuplexSerial is buffered and doesn't have this problem when it receives. The BS2's serial I/O is never buffered.
Something I was thinking of the other day: If it only takes a 3.3k resistor on an input to make the Prop 5v tolerant, then why wasn't the input impedance made higher to begin with? I mean, in "input" mode it's supposed to be High-Z, which implies at least 100k. Based on the 3.3k requirement, it would imply that the protection diodes are place nearer to the I/O pins than the input circuitry. :frown: