Debugging using ViewPort
Hello all,
I am new to the Propeller and Spin (new job), and have inherited a code set that I am tasked with finishing and fixing. I found the ViewPort debugger/IDE yet am unable to run it with breakpoints because my Top Objects have 40+ functions/methods in them. ViewPort says it can only handle 32.
I cannot/will not attempt to restructure this code right now, so do I have any way to get around this 32 method limitation?
If not, is there another way to debug my code on the target hardware?
I am new to the Propeller and Spin (new job), and have inherited a code set that I am tasked with finishing and fixing. I found the ViewPort debugger/IDE yet am unable to run it with breakpoints because my Top Objects have 40+ functions/methods in them. ViewPort says it can only handle 32.

I cannot/will not attempt to restructure this code right now, so do I have any way to get around this 32 method limitation?
If not, is there another way to debug my code on the target hardware?
Wow, 40+ functions in the top file! Only the breakpoint/line by line stepping functionality won't work for your project. You can still use the realtime graphing, monitor/change variables, view io states, terminal etc when you click on the "run" button.
Eliminating/merging ~8 functions might not be so difficult...
Have found several of your threads on the ViewPort. Good stuff! (brown nosing flag off...)
It gets worse. I have two propellers, in different units, the one only has one Top Object, but it has over 50 functions. The other propeller has eight different Top Objects, none of which has less than 40. Many over 50.
When Cog 0 detects a SD card, it reads in other Objects from it. Not familiar with the construct yet, as I'm still learning Spin and this code but many of these spin files have 3000+ lines. Job security?
I'm thinking of supporting top files with any number of functions with several restrictions:
- the "Call Stack" and "Profiler" windows would only show you data on the first 31 function of the top file
- Step Over would work as it does now for all functions, but Step Into and Step Out would only step appropriately if the current and next function aren't both in the 31+ function. (may have to read this several times
When do you need this? I'm a bit backlogged with TBot orders right now
When you can get to it. Sometime this year? LOL... Seriously, when/if you can.
Random Though: will Step Into trace into a non-Top File Method?
Yes, I'll add this before end of year.
Debugging is done only on top file, leaving you to implement "driver" like functionality in lower objects. Implementing that would be harder...