@doggiedoc I can't supply wiz bang PASM that some other people do, so this is what I do best at the moment.
@Dueane I always check the last log-in, (like doggiedocter did), to make sure they have been active in the last six months or so. You'd be surprised how many people you don't actually see on the forums, still log in from time to time, so I still think they may see the greeting.
@Jim - you are on top of this aren't you!
I think this was George's last post. (Over a year ago.)
Happy Birthday George Sutton.
@Dueane I always check the last log-in, (like doggiedocter did), to make sure they have been active in the last six months or so. You'd be surprised how many people you don't actually see on the forums, still log in from time to time, so I still think they may see the greeting.
your not at all related to "Bill Sutton" are you?
Sorry, I had to ask..