Powerconsumption: How long will i run this on a 9V battery?
Hi guys!
Im working on this project with my Professional dev board, and sometimes i want to be a bit more mobile with it, so i was wondering if there is a possibility to get a decent time out of a 9v battery:
I do understand that this is probably very much code dependant, but let me breat it down the best i can:
2 Led´s (Not constantly on)
1 cog that runs a freq generator code for LED dimming,
1 cog that run all the other code.
I will communicate with the propeller with the parallax serial console, (Via usb)
That pretty much is it.
What do you think about this? What are we talking about here, 1 hour or 24 hours?
Best regards
Im working on this project with my Professional dev board, and sometimes i want to be a bit more mobile with it, so i was wondering if there is a possibility to get a decent time out of a 9v battery:
I do understand that this is probably very much code dependant, but let me breat it down the best i can:
2 Led´s (Not constantly on)
1 cog that runs a freq generator code for LED dimming,
1 cog that run all the other code.
I will communicate with the propeller with the parallax serial console, (Via usb)
That pretty much is it.
What do you think about this? What are we talking about here, 1 hour or 24 hours?
Best regards
You could use a USB powered board, too..
Anything you attach to I/O pins (like LEDs) adds to the current consumption. Since you're using USB, that can supply power and you won't need a 9V battery at all. You won't be able to use the PPDB's USB interface for power though and the PPDB's regulator also uses some current for itself. Check the PPDB's schematic and the regulator's datasheet for details.
For examples of Propeller boards that run off USB power, have a look at the QuickStart board and the Propeller C3 board.
regulator requires 10ma (even with the output not drawing any current). At 10ma, a typical Alkaline 9V
battery will last about 56 hours. At 10ma, four AA batteries will typically last 250 hours.
I base this on earlier measurements I made of the demo board and my memory of that; the regulator on the
dev board may be different.
[Additional data added later: I can't find my post on my original current measurements. Not sure why 10ma
sticks in my mind. Anyway, the actual regulators appear to be *2ma* quiescent, and there are a pair of
them, so that accounts for 4ma, so the above numbers can be multiplied by 2.5 just taking into account the
regulators alone. If you crank the Prop up and use a lot of cogs or video or some such, the numbers will
change appropriately. But I think you'll be surprised how well it works on batteries.]
But like others have said, running off USB, you can frequently get all the power from USB too.
Thanks for your reply!
I would very much want to use the ppdb for this, is there a way to feed it via usb?
Thank you very much sir four your informative answer!
Also i think that usb would be great, but i thought that it would be more simple to use a battery, but a way to feed the ppdb with usb would be the best!:)
I don't know of ppdb hacks, probably the cost of the board is too high to play with it..
There are proto board hacks available (a usb protoboard is much cheaper).
If you simply need some leds consider also the quickstart. USB powered, 8 leds, 25$....
On the USB cable:
- cut the USB cable near the end that connects to the PPDB
- feed on some heatshrink tubing on each wire
- strip the wires and rejoin them all
- add a black and a red wire to the power wires
- shrink the heatshrinkable tubing over all the joints
- solder the red and black tap wires to a 2-pin header
On the PPDB:
- add a jumper from the +5v female header to one of the power rails on the prototyping board
- add a jumper from earth female header to the other power rail on the prototyping board
plug the USB cable in to the USB socket as usual, and plug the 2-pin header with the power taps into the two power rails in the prototyping board.
Bingo. Portable PPDB powered from USB, without having to hack into the board itself.
Since I do most of my bench work next to my PC, I just wired a floppy power plug to a DB9 that is provided in an empty card slot at the rear of the PC. I have both +12 and +5 in copious amounts and well-regulated. The +12 occasionally drives a relay that turns on an 120 VAC box when I turn on the computer - very handy as well.
In fact, I can use the DB9 to provide adequate +5 as for my Seagate USB harddisk which requires close to 1 amp of +5. The USB port was never meant to be an all-purpose power takeoff - the primary targets were keyboards and mice. The wires are thin and contribute to the voltage drop.
runs for about six hours with four AA rechargeable battery s.