BS1: SOUND cmd drive IR ?
Okay - so I have successfully made a garage door closer (closes door after checking to see if it has been left open for programmed period of time) based on BS2 development board and IR detector using FREQOUT command. I quickly ordered a BS1 project board to complete the project, since I needed only 3 I/O Pins, but of course neglected to check if FREQOUT could be used on BS1 (it can't).
I see that I can generate Square wave frequencies that might approximate 38500 Hz using the SOUND cmd with BS1, but will it work? Has anyone tried - is it worth the effort or doomed to failure?
I could just hook it up and try, I suppose, but my IR LED/detector is in position about 10 feet off the ground, and it's too late to do that tonight...
I see that I can generate Square wave frequencies that might approximate 38500 Hz using the SOUND cmd with BS1, but will it work? Has anyone tried - is it worth the effort or doomed to failure?
I could just hook it up and try, I suppose, but my IR LED/detector is in position about 10 feet off the ground, and it's too late to do that tonight...
You always seem to have an answer, Mike.
Another option would be to start at one end of the range of resistance, then slowly adjust the resistance until the IR detector first triggers and continue to adjust the resistance until the IR detector stops triggering, then set the resistance to the middle of that range.
Thanks again, Mike.
Most IR detector modules will go low for less than a second then stay high afterward with an unmodulated 38 kHz signal. Try yours & see.
Ah, yes I forgot that. But what I am doing is simply sending a 1ms pulse (every 15 minutes or so) to an IR LED and immediately reading the IR Detector's output to see if it received the pulse (Garage Door is down) or not (Pulse blocked = Garage Door is up). It works as expected using FREQOUT on the BS2; I am anxious to see if it will work with the BS1 using the 555.
I appreciate your schematic of the 556 circuit; I have another project where that might be useful.
Okay - so this is what i did: I used BS2 to rig up 555 timer according to description in Appendix C of IR Remote for the BoeBot Robot. Using COUNT command as described, the frequency is sent to the DEBUG terminal and adjusted with a 10K Pot. The POT is very sensitive, however, and I was concerned that this would not remain stable, so I tried using a Digital Pot, but I couldn't get it to work (I think because a ground connection is needed at Pin 6 which grounds Pin 7 of the 555). Anyway, I then got the idea to simply measure the resistance of the Pot (1.4K) and used 3 Resistors in series to give me what I needed. Next, will hook up to BS1 and see if it works...
Any other ideas?
I have returned to using the circuit exactly as described in Appendix C noted above and appended below. I used power from BS2 Servo port as well as from standard Vdd - no difference. Everything works fine with Green LED, but when I substitute IR LED I get no output to Pin7; Hz reads 0000. I get a Voltage reading to LED of 2.38 V and 8 mA. I figured this was not enough current for IR LED, so I decreased Resistor value at LED to 47 Ohm. This increases current to 35 mA and I was able to get frequency up to 2000 Hz, but no where near 38KHz I need. I tried increasing and decreasing the value of the 470 ohm resistor, but no help.
Next I tried decreasing the value of the resistor at the LED to 18 Ohm. This increased the current to 96 mA, and i was able to increase the frequency to 3000 Hz. I have tried using IR LED from Parallax as well as one from Radio Shack - same response.
I would like to use the BS1 with 555 timer to light IR LED at 38 KHz for a project. Of course, I have the alternative of using the BS2 with FREQOUT to the IR LED, but now I want to know why the described circuit won't work. It certainly appears to have something to do with an inherent difference between the standard LED and IR LED, but the circuit WAS originially written using the IR LED. Do you think the characteristics of the IR LED have changed since that circuit was described?
Any other thoughts?
The circuit given does work as advertised. Check your wiring. You may have damaged your LEDs with the high current, so you may want to use a new one. Try a red LED first since you can see the output. You can also use a video camera to see the IR output of an IR LED.
Your comment Re: lack of difference in the electrical behavior of the LEDs was exactly what I needed to hear, but is in direct contradistinction to what I have observed consisitently: ie circuit behaves exactly as expected when Green LED is in circuit, but when it is replaced by IR LED, no frequency output identified. I then take the same IR LED and put it in BS2 circuit with FREQOUT code and IR is detected by IR detector ( so LED is operational).
I have looked at various 555 circuits on the Web for 38 KHz frequency and they are very similar. I have rewired this circuit multiple times on 3 different breadboards and it always works with Green LED and never works with IRLed ( which otherwise seems to be functioning). I will try your idea about using a video camera to confirm output. And I will re- wire again tonight (or maybe I will sleep tonight and do this tomorrow).
Thanks again.
So, the circuit works and I thank Mike and ERCO for their input.