advantage and disadvantage between TV out and VGA?
i want to show the position of a node in wireless sensor network, but i'm still confused to choose TV out or VGA that i want use.
anybody can explain advantage and disadvantage between TV out and VGA please...

i want to show the position of a node in wireless sensor network, but i'm still confused to choose TV out or VGA that i want use.
anybody can explain advantage and disadvantage between TV out and VGA please...
TV uses 3 prop pins and 3 resistors (sometimes a fourth pin is used for broadcast mode; also an extra resistor to ground matches the impedance).
VGA uses 8 prop pins and 8 resistors.
I think the resolution on VGA is better but this really depends on what you are trying to achieve. Some monitors and TVs have both analog composite TV and VGA inputs.
Hope this helps.
You need to clarify what "show the position" means, and if this is a one off, or commercial application.
Generally VGA will give better colour and pixel-counts than TV, but it also has larger connectors, stiffer cables, and the monitors are larger than LCD TVs, which can come down to 2.5".
VGA: 8 pins unless external logic used (along with custom code), much higher resolutions possible (multiple cogs required), 64 colors (RGB)
A limiting factor for both TV and VGA is HUB RAM. 32K doesn't allow for a very large bitmap. Tiles & text are more memory efficient but don't have the same flexibility.
TV also has a wider color palette...