$130 Ebay Penguin Kit

Looks like someone is making his move this Christmas: http://www.ebay.com/itm/170740358333?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2649
I emailed the seller, and it comes with the rework kit, so it's one of the feelgood donation Penguins being hawked for some holiday bucks. Ah well. It's ultimately going to a better home.
I emailed the seller, and it comes with the rework kit, so it's one of the feelgood donation Penguins being hawked for some holiday bucks. Ah well. It's ultimately going to a better home.
I'm talkin' Bi-Peds so it's not too far OT. How about spare parts for Toddlers?
A dwindling supply, but if a Toddler lies on an operating table somewhere we're probably still able to resuscitate.
What appendage or electronics do you need?
I'd do anything for an authentic Twinkle Toes Kit, in case anybody out there has one.
Ken Gracey
I don't have a set, anywhere.
Ken Gracey
I just sent Al Margolis a message to see if their existence is real. And if so, the toes are coming home!
Hope you get some.
I should send you my TRaCY controller board (http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?136351-2011-Holiday-Givaway). You're probably the only one who could find all the parts and resurrect one to sit on the rear deck of your Corvair.
They are officially highly prized and collectible!
Stand firm, my Penguin brothers!
Do you happen to have the wire bumpers in that bag, too? Oh man, what I'd do to get my hands on a set of those. I could complete my Parallax robot museum.
Trade you a cat. No, wait, that won't work. I'll send you some shrimp. You don't eat shrimp. I'll make a trade of any type! Lithium ion cells, an S2?
Hi Ken!
I hate to admit it, but I have nine.
They are available for purchase. The current price is one Prop-Boe each. Paid in advance only.
-- Al
The guy has been reading or forums or talking to Parallax staff. He drives such a hard bargain I have no room for negotiating! Propeller BOEs. . . everybody wants 'em, nobody has em.
I'll go back to him with a counter-offer of some type.
God bless you doggiedoc, you're a bigger hoarder than I am. I can hold my head high as long as there's somebody worse than me.
Now Ken, we'll discuss my finder's fee! Two Quad Rovers, and a Prop Boe in a Pear Tree