Going Surface Mount from Through Hole
I am worried about switching to surface mount components due to the current of my circuit on the high side 12v rail. I was hoping to convert everything I could to surface mount making more room for additional features. I know some components will not be able to be converted, but I want to convert as much as possible. One question I have is, the current ratings between surface mount resistors vs through hole. I currently have a 10k 1/2 watt resistor that pulls down a TIP42 transistor's base. The resistor has 12 volts DC to it at all times which is connected to a 10 amp supply. The transistors are the only thing that handle high current. Can I replace the 10k 1/2 watt resistor with this and will it handle the current?
P = IV or I = P/V so the current through the reistor needs to be limited to 10.4mA. I doubt that's enough current for your puposes.
EDIT: I answered too quickly. I see it's a 10K ohm resistor. At 10K ohm the current may be low enough. Time to drink some caffeine.
EDIT (again): With 10K ohm at 12 V your current is only 1.2mA (Ohm's Law). So you should be okay.
I'm guessing that surface chip is probably rated to only 1/8 watt, so it makes sense to figure out exactly what sort of power it is actually handling. Of course you could always get a bigger chip resistor if you think it's a possible problem.
Try looking at this product selection guide:
EDIT: I think Duane is right: at 10K, you are probably okay, at least so far as power dissipation goes.
This is the electronic theory stuff I actually still remember from my physics classes. There are two equations that are important to us here. One is Ohm's law (I'll use the notation on my Inventor's wand) E = I*R and the power equation P = I*E. (R is resistance, P is power, I is current and E is voltage (IIRC it stands for electromotive (or something like that) force).
So we want to know the power through your resistor. We start with P = I*E. P is our unknown. E is 12V. We don't yet know I but we can get it from Ohm's Law.
I = E/R or 12V/10000ohm = 0.0012A or 1.2mA
We plug 1.2mA into P = I*E for
P = 0.0012A * 12V = 0.0144W
This is about 1/69th of a Watt much less than 1/8 or even 1/10 (another common resistor size).
Thanks to my Inventor's Wand I could also tell you about drill and tap sizes or the Three Laws of Robotics.
Just don't expect me to answer a question about a LRC circuit.
What's LRC stand for?
I've remember it as LRC, but I guess RLC is the norm now:
EDIT:...Sorry Publison. We posted @ around the same time....
Geeeez, guys, you gave him the answer!
Yes, we had to calculated the various parts of such a circuit in one of my physics classes. I like to think I could learn to use those equations again but for now they're a bit of a fog.
I also remember something about ELI the ICE man. (A memory aid for AC circuit stuff, I think.)
Duane's math looks reasonable. Maybe you should post your circuit schematic so it can be checked for other possible problems.
Just because a regulator (and I assume resistor) can handle a stated voltage and current (power) doesn't mean it won't get too hot. You still have to worry about moving heat away from a component. (Mike Green comes to mind as I write this. I'm pretty sure I learned the above from his posts.)
Right now, I don't have a schematic, but I can explain it very well
Also.. The current that goes through the TIP42 is about 2 amps
One thing you want to look at is the mosfet's "Maximum Drain Source Resistance", which looks to be approximately 0.098 ohms at 10 volts (but you should check the charts in the spec to see if you can get a better number based on your exact operating situation). "Drain Source Resistance" is how much ohmic resistance the mosfet appears to have given a certain amount of current racing through it at a certain voltage.
From V = IR, you can see that the voltage drop across the mosfet is going to be about V = (2amps)(0.098 ohms) = about 0.2 volts.
To determine the amount of heat produced across the mosfet, you use Power = VI, which gives you (0.2 volt drop)(2 amps) = about 0.4 watts. The spec shows a "Maximum Power Dissipation" of about 1.2 watts (but you should check the charts in the spec to see if you can get a better number based on your exact operating situation), so you should be careful about how the circuit will be packaged and whether or not it's got some ventilation, etc. so it can dissipate this kind of heat. That much heat on a tiny package could easily make it hot fairly fast if it had no way to dump the heat.