Debug Source Code Typo - P8X32A QuickStart board + FM Radio module
FYI, the DIYPortableRadioDebug.spin file downloaded from DIY Portable Radio Code (.zip) on the product page has some typos.
In the CON Block SDA = 0 and SCL = 1, should be SDA = 8 and SCL = 9 if the user is following the quickstart guide.
In the OBJ bock, Parallax Serial Termial should be Parallax Serial Terminal.
Thanks for the awesome product and solid code base. I have plans for the FM Radio module. Hopefully, things will work out as I expect.
In the CON Block SDA = 0 and SCL = 1, should be SDA = 8 and SCL = 9 if the user is following the quickstart guide.
In the OBJ bock, Parallax Serial Termial should be Parallax Serial Terminal.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _CLKFREQ = 80_000_000 'SDA = 0 ' SDA connected to P0 'SCL = 1 ' SCL connected to P1 SDA = 8 ' SDA connected to P8 SCL = 9 ' SCL connected to P9 OBJ FM : "FM Radio Receiver" ' FM Radio Receiver Module Object Buttons : "Touch Buttons" ' Touch Button object 'pst : "Parallax Serial Termial" pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal" VAR byte vol ' Store volume level PUB Main pst.start(57600) FM.Initialize(SDA,SCL) ' Start FM Radio object FM.SeekThreshold(6) ' Set seek threshold FM.VolumeSet(1) ' Set volume level to 1
Thanks for the awesome product and solid code base. I have plans for the FM Radio module. Hopefully, things will work out as I expect.
Here is a link to the PDF for the DIY Radio