More Prof that were not alone
Explain this one!
The truth is out there.
The truth is out there.
Everything is always aliens. Reminds me of this little exchange from Red Dwarf:
Lister: Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it? You lose your keys, it's aliens. A picture falls off the wall, it's aliens. That time we used up a whole bog roll in a day, you thought that was aliens as well.
Rimmer: Well we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?
Lister: Rimmer, ALIENS used our bog roll?
Rimmer: Just cause they're aliens doesn't mean to say they don't have to visit the little boys' room. Only they probably do something weird and alien-esque, like it comes out of the top of their heads or something.
Lister: Well I wouldn't like to be stuck behind one in a cinema.
I'm sure there are all sorts of critters out there - far, far away. But I doubt this is one of them.
Famous line from the movie Aliens
"All thats great...Thats great...That was our ship...our ride back home...It just blew-up"
Then so far as UFO's go, why isn't there a consistent track record of sightings going back in world history? Why are the vast majority of these sightings just in recent years? Seems to me aliens would have had spaceships back when cavemen roamed the earth, not just in the last 60 years!
And then so far as amazing things which were built in ancient history and modern historians saying it could not have been done without the help of aliens... Hogwash! People were not stupid in ancient times, rather just as smart as we are now. You could take away our modern technology and construction equipment, but we could still figure out ways to build such things with hand tools and hundreds of thousands of people doing the work.
Anyway so far as the object shown above, most likely people are jumping to conclusions yet again.
And I'm not saying there is not life elsewhere or no aliens. Rather I think there most likely is, being as the universe goes on and on for infinity. But it is possible they develop like us humans and all of them have wound up or will wind up causing their own extinction via war or some other destruction of their planet. (Before they could advance to where they could go visiting other folks like us...)
They also have a very consistent record of correcting their mistakes.
Though, the 'Sun revolving around the Earth' actually comes from religion, not astronomy.
In fact, they've been willing to correct errors even at the expense of heir lives.
Exactly what would constitute 'consistent track record' then?
Cave painting with scales and and cross-section sketches?
Would a page or two from the Bible be considered as 'consistent'?
(Read Ezekiel)
Some of the stuff in 'religious' texts doesn't really make sense until you start replacing 'god' with 'Alien'...
And the mistranslations...
Moses parted the Red sea?
No... He 'parted' the REED sea, which is an apt description of an area along the likely route out of Egypt.
(Yes, that is a possible mistranslation from waaaay back when. Stuff like that happens all the time, even today)
Add the description of what else happened, and suddenly, it fits a Tsunami in the Mediterranean.
(Which can happen if there's a volcano erupting, or an earthquake)
Frankly, I'm not surprised that UFO-sightings didn't really take off until after WWII.
Not only was the population much smaller so fewer would actually observe 'weird stuff', but communication was slower so news didn't spread very fast.
With WWII people began to LOOK at the sky because you never knew... There could be a Heinkel, a Messerschidt, a V1 or any of a number of other nasties up there. More people looking meant more people actually noticing stuff.
Free time! With more and more people having free time to spend on hiking, camping, whatever... they could also go to out of the way places...
Radar! Gosh... Electronic eyes in the sky... Wouldn't you know that some of them too spots things...
Even Sci-fi...
The first 'modern' sci-fi sin't much more than a century old. And it wasn't really until a certain radio play that people started believing that aliens could come from outer space, or could exist at all.
It's much more easy to dismiss something as 'prolly jest a weird cloud, one of them newfangled balloons or sumptin' if you can't imagine another explanation.
And of course, the good old "If I tell anyone what I saw, I'll be the laughingstock of the village!"
It's really weird how archeologists always brand something as 'religious' when they can't figure out what it is.
One example I heard was in South Amerika(I think)
A set of 'basins' set in a hillside, with the runoff from one leading to the next and so on.
'Ceremonial baths' the archeologists said, 'the high priest used the upper one, priests the seconds, the warrior caste the third' and so on...
An engineer meant it was a simple refinery of some sort...
Due to forum rules I am not going to start a "religion war" but what you are saying is inconsistent. If it was, in fact, a sea of reeds rather than water, and the wave was caused by a tsunami, than how can you explain Exodus 14:22: "...The Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. ". I've never seen a tsunami that comes on both sides, but hey, feel free to disagree.
Most of what you are saying about UFOs, though purely speculation, may be possible, with the exception of that which I have stated above. There is too much opposing evidence. I did not care to mention all of it.
The 'dry ground' is common before a Tsunami strikes, as most of those who remember what has happened in Asia a few times should be aware of.
Ezekiel is the closest thing to a 'UFO sigthing' report from 'ancient times' where the author has tried to be factual while describing something he doesn't understand.
In that way, I feel that it's very much different from most of the Bible which seems to have been edited and 'retranslated' so many times whenever anyone felt the need to 'improve it' to their needs. I guess most couldn't figure out a way to make his writings 'work' for them?
Other parts has been translated by peole who doesn't understand what the sections they work on is all about, and may have slipped a bit here or there. (After all, the Bible wasn't written by one person, or even at one point in time. It's a collection of works, and all original documents can be considered lost ages ago.)
That's why I mentioned the 'Red sea' vs. 'The Sea of Reeds' debacle.
(There's lots of sites on the net about it)
Note that I'm not religious, and while I have read much of the Bible, that was many years ago, and my memory can best be compared with cheese... Mouldy...
Are we alone?
Probably not.
Are we alone in this solar system?
Are there any other intelligent beings in this solar system?
Besides dolphins, of course... Probably not...
The odds stak up pretty highly if you want to add intelligence into the mix.
Is there intelligent life here on Earth?
Not according to DarwinAwards...
If you feel like 'vehemently disagreeing' with me, feel free to flame me in a PM.
(Bring it on. I work on a Helldesk... Nothing bites... Besides, it may help to 'blow some steam')