Kit for Beginners?

What would you guys recommend for a first time programmer and electronics beginner get kit-wise from Parallax? No real goal - just for fun/different possible projects?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Thanks for any suggestions!
The Propeller Demo Board Starter Kit is also good for instant gratification with examples and many objects in the OBEX works with it out of the box.
On the other hand if I had that time again I would buy the PPDB, maybe a bit pricey for starters but it has a little of everything that would keep someone like me very happy for a long long time.
Jeff T.
Both items I posted are in stock. What kit where you referring to?
The kit Kevin mentioned includes the USB serial adapter...
Thanks for the suggestions!
I second Publison's recommendation. I wish I had saved the money I spent on stamps for more Propeller boards.
Also the Prop edu kit is also pretty good.
[Edit] I would suggest using the Serial version as it has a sturdier serial port.
The kit you found isn't a full kit, it's just a parts kit. That way, if you buy one of the full educational kits, you can upgrade to another by just buying the parts kit, which doesn't include a Basic Stamp or Board of Education.
This program will be unveiled on a new educational web site when the Propeller BOE is released. We're working now to complete the final prototype and start production of the hardware. Although we are very close no release date has been set. We were aiming for Christmas but I can see that's not going to happen. Early January looks promising.
Until that is released I suggest using the QuickStart with the or the Propeller Education Kit,ProductName.
With the planned beta of PropGCC the audience will be much wider in the coming months.
Ken Gracey
O M G. I REALLY want one of these things. Can't wait until January. It's a million years to then! How about a pre-order?
I have one on my desk and I'm very happy with the design decisions that were made in regards to what hardware facilities to include on the board. Some of it was exclusively wired whereas other items required jumpered I/O or were directly wired and don't suffer from dual-use if also ported to the header by the breadboard.
Oh, you asked about a pre-order. Guess I was a sales person first, and a nerd second (at least that's what one forum member told me). We don't have a final price figured out yet, but it's kind of expensive due to the amount of hardware present and the fact it's made in Rocklin, CA. Yet I would have paid anything for this board four years ago.
I might have some opposition from the internal team in regards to the pre-order, but I see tremendous benefits towards rewarding those first who want to receive one. Otherwise, we'll put the first batch of production units in our inventory, enable on-line ordering and people like yourself might miss the first day of ordering and have to wait another 30 days. I'll lobby them for some support on this idea.
We need to determine the price. It's either $99 or $129, likely to be determined base on our costs. My preference is $99 with a no-questions asked Made in the USA Lifetime Warranty.
You could poke around on the web and find the specification for the Propeller BOE. It has changed in several ways but still reflects the overall goal.
Ken Gracey
As a fairly new user, non professional hobbyist, I would recommend both kits.
Ken posted it earlier here and in another thread (which I couldn't find).
I did find the video though.
Edit: Here's Ken's thread. I just notice the little speaker Ken mentioned is now only $9.99 (plus shipping).