Estate Sale

'Just got back from a local estate sale (Dutch auction style: prices are 25% off tomorrow, 50% off Sunday). The guy lived in a multi-story log house, and I've never seen such an eclectic collection of old scientific instruments! Some of it was even of the wood, brass, and Bakelite variety. There were vacuum tubes and a tube tester, exotic blown-glass labware, electronic and optical equipment the likes of which I'd never seen before. I'm sure none of it dated more recently than the 1960's. As people pawed their way through various items, I would constantly hear, "What is it?" It's a good thing erco wasn't here, as I'm sure the twins' college fund would be back down to zero!
(Oh, did I mention the collection of spring-wound action toys? Sorry, erco.)
As much as the foot-pumped pipe organ intrigued me, I didn't buy anything. I've got too much stuff as it is and no room for more. But it was interesting (and a little sobering) to see what a person can accumulate over the years. And I'm sure that when people are pawing through my stuff after I'm gone, they'll be asking, "What is it?"

As much as the foot-pumped pipe organ intrigued me, I didn't buy anything. I've got too much stuff as it is and no room for more. But it was interesting (and a little sobering) to see what a person can accumulate over the years. And I'm sure that when people are pawing through my stuff after I'm gone, they'll be asking, "What is it?"
The tube tester is a Knight Kit, but I don't remember the price. The tubes include octals and 9-pin minis, but I didn't take notice of the part numbers. Prices seemed to range from $5 to $10 apiece. The sale is being conducted by a professional company, so there aren't any jaw-dropping bargains that I could discern, and they weren't entertaining lower offers on anything except quantity lots.
Guess not. :frown:
Thanks for the feedback.
Those foot pumped organs are a heap of fun. One of those once kept us entertained for an entire weekend, no alcohol required. There is just something absurdly funny about having to 'cycle' while playing.
The general consensus was that endless rounds of "While my guitar gently weeps" was the best (most suited) tune to belt out.
As absurd as it is, people seem unwilling to mix reliable old technology with leading edge new technologies.