Electric deadbolt
I live in an apartment complex, meaning I cant change the lock that matches the key provided to me. However I am working on implementing rfid to my front door for my fionce and I. I allready have my bs2 set up and coded and have the rfid serial reader with the rfid tags. My biggest issue is finding and internal deadbolt mechanismn that I can simply drop in place of the old one and leave the original front plate and tumblers. i am going to put my reader inside so they will never know I even set it up. With no changes to the tumblers and original faceplate you guys got any ideas? If I can't find an interal deadbolt mechanismn to fit my lock my only other options is a dual h-bridge chip and a step motor somehow attached to the inside knob, which won't be pretty and most likely not reliable. Any input on this?
Don't forget about supplying power to the whole kit & caboodle, which will be problemmatic at best, especially since it needs to be on at all times and won't work at all when the power fails/battery goes dead.
Instead of a stepper, could you actuate it with a solenoid? Just thinking....
While RFID is great, in reality you could have a very simple system with a hall effect sensor, and a transistor to drive the solenoid. Placing the hall effect sensor creatively would make it so simply using a magnet in a non-intuitive, non-obvious location, could activate the solenoid.
Also, make sure you have easy access to some kind of manual over ride when you are inside your apartment. You wouldn't want to get trapped in your apartment during a fire.
That all depends on the manufacturer of the lock mechanism. You never mention it.
-- Gordon
The purpose of post #10 was to show how someone else handled the locking mechanism.
Out of curiosity, how will you deal with a lost or stolen RFID card?
I think they have a similar model with a xbee option
at graffix: How exactly does that work? And what does the Xbee serve in a door lock?
xbee's would allow you wireless control over the lock.Let your mom in when your at work or something.Also tie into home automation let you know from your bedroom if the door is locked or not.
I'm not sure there are options for that.
At the very least, I believe it would need a dead bolt added. I think most landlords would all a dead bolt to be added, especially if their lock do not provide the proper security.
OpenCV would probably be the best avenue to follow.
and the motor gears are such that you can override it and still turn it by hand in emergency.
Just google: rfid deadbolt
Home Depot and Lowes carry a ready made unit with a keypad. I've seen this system hacked to do exactly what you intend. In your case, it looks like you'll drop the keypad and just use the electric deadbolt. I THINK the solenoid was 24VDC, but don't hold me to it. I wanted to do the same, but I didn't get past the thinking about it stage