Bogey/Wheel Encoder

Found this on Ebay:
Looks like a ready-to-go bogie assembly with an encoder inside. I emailed the seller for more info and PPR, he's not sure:
"Thank you for your kind message.
Sorry we not sure about how many pulses per revolution.
Yes,the two wheels are locked together.and Just one encoder.
Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance.
- sicilydreamer"
But it's out there if anyone needs such a unit. Die cast wheels, rubber tires. 6 wires coming out, it may be a quadrature encoder.
Looks like a ready-to-go bogie assembly with an encoder inside. I emailed the seller for more info and PPR, he's not sure:
"Thank you for your kind message.
Sorry we not sure about how many pulses per revolution.
Yes,the two wheels are locked together.and Just one encoder.
Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance.
- sicilydreamer"
But it's out there if anyone needs such a unit. Die cast wheels, rubber tires. 6 wires coming out, it may be a quadrature encoder.
Can't use these on a robot unless it only goes straight. The dual wheels would restrict the robot in turns. Maybe you could remove one of the wheel?...
The extra leads could be for things like an index track, or it may be a 4-bit absolute encoder.
-- Gordon