I always cringe when I see someone trying to set up a "robot store" in a retail space, because it seldom works out. After a few years they just close up. But this place is different. They use the store as inspiration for the tutoring they do, and staff it with volunteers. They don't have to make a living with it.
Would be great to see some Parallax product on those racks. Maybe a couple of refurbished S1s on consignment? It's never too early to introduce these kids to the Parallax brand!
I've heard of this place before and will have to go and check it out. They are only about an hour away from me. Looks like it will be a cool place to see.
Tutoring? Publishing? That is nothing short of FANTASTIC. I wish they were in my town, I'd def support them.
Per Gordon's comment, I was witness to the rise & fall of "Rolling Robots" in a huge mall in Torrance: http://rollingrobots.com/
Super nice people, very expensive location. They lasted about 2 years. They closed their mall store and are operating out of a smaller location nearby, possibly their house. They have a second mall store in Glendale which is still in operation, fortunately, so 1 outta 2 ain't bad.
I think the first retail robotics store I ever saw was in 1985, and was owned and run by Tim Knight, who (at 16 or 17) wrote a popular introductory book on robotics. Though the store was in Cupertino or thereabouts, and this was the mid-80s when people were spending boatloads on robot venture startups, I think it lasted just a year or two. As retail it's just too narrow.
What RS, Microcenter, Fry's, and the others are now doing looks like a winner, though. They're the Michael's of electronics DIY. Something for everyone.
I think the first retail robotics store I ever saw was in 1985, and was owned and run by Tim Knight, who (at 16 or 17) wrote a popular introductory book on robotics. Though the store was in Cupertino or thereabouts, and this was the mid-80s when people were spending boatloads on robot venture startups, I think it lasted just a year or two. As retail it's just too narrow.
I wonder what ever happened to Mr Knight and what he is doing these days. As I recall he wrote quite a few articles and some books in the 80's and then disappeared.
"So, Mr. Valacci, we got a complaint that you're running a writers' workshop speakeasy, where children -- children, Mr. Valacci! -- are forced to spill their guts on paper."
"Hey, I'm a legitimate businessman! As you can see, I just sell robots. Would you like to buy a robot? I'm sure Mrs. Ness would like this mo ... Hey, whoa! Where do you think you're going? Don't go back there! You don't have a warrant!"
I've been daydreaming a lot lately about opening a shop like that. Mr. McComb's comments reinforce my conclusions that it wouldn't last. I haven't been able to see any avenues to profit. Certainly can't compete on retail sales.
I wonder what ever happened to Mr Knight and what he is doing these days. As I recall he wrote quite a few articles and some books in the 80's and then disappeared.
Don't know. He was something of a teen prodigy, as much of what he wrote he did before even turning 18. I think he was just 19 when I met him, and he was already running his own retail store. After that he sort of disappeared from writing, though searching for his full name ("Timothy Orr Knight") turns up a financial advisor in Palo Alto. This would almost certainly be him, or at least someone related.
Would be great to see some Parallax product on those racks. Maybe a couple of refurbished S1s on consignment? It's never too early to introduce these kids to the Parallax brand!
-- Gordon
Per Gordon's comment, I was witness to the rise & fall of "Rolling Robots" in a huge mall in Torrance: http://rollingrobots.com/
Super nice people, very expensive location. They lasted about 2 years. They closed their mall store and are operating out of a smaller location nearby, possibly their house. They have a second mall store in Glendale which is still in operation, fortunately, so 1 outta 2 ain't bad.
What RS, Microcenter, Fry's, and the others are now doing looks like a winner, though. They're the Michael's of electronics DIY. Something for everyone.
-- Gordon
I wonder what ever happened to Mr Knight and what he is doing these days. As I recall he wrote quite a few articles and some books in the 80's and then disappeared.
"Hey, I'm a legitimate businessman! As you can see, I just sell robots. Would you like to buy a robot? I'm sure Mrs. Ness would like this mo ... Hey, whoa! Where do you think you're going? Don't go back there! You don't have a warrant!"
Don't know. He was something of a teen prodigy, as much of what he wrote he did before even turning 18. I think he was just 19 when I met him, and he was already running his own retail store. After that he sort of disappeared from writing, though searching for his full name ("Timothy Orr Knight") turns up a financial advisor in Palo Alto. This would almost certainly be him, or at least someone related.
-- Gordon
What, my dad posts here now?? Dad, I told you, these are MY friends! Go find your own.
-- Gordon