Great use of an old scanner and Hard Drive.....

Pretty cool use of some old computer equipment. Maybe an add-on for SIDCog??
Something seems odd though!
The Atari 800 and the Ti-99/4A doesn't sound the way they are supposed to sound like.
Both sound chips (3-8912 and Pokey) are pure digital devices which outputs 1 bit waveforms with a simple amplitude controll.
However, the waveforms sounds/looks like they are analog or put through some analog filtering.
The so called "3-8912" in the video outputs something like a 52:48 duty pulse, even though it can only output a pure 50:50 square wave?!?!
It also seems to be run through a "wide bp filter" with a little bit of distortion on top.
The Pokey is well known for not being able to handle clean tones (especially at higher frequences) due to the limited 8bit frequency register.
However, in the clip it sounds to be spot on on every note ?!?!
It is also quite obvious that the waveform from the "Pokey" is pure sinus; That can't even be explained if the signal was put throug a VERY high slope lp filter set to a VERY low cutoff frequency?!?!
Most certainly it's fake (95% sure) or he/she has got a lot of heavy duty "analog processing" in the sound chain after the retro computers.
As Ahle2 noted, the Pokey could only output a digital signal...what was being shown on the Tek 210 scope. So I think the author missopke as to what was connected where.
Still, very cool!