Browser wrote: » whutz doggiedoc getting redy to do? scarez me....
ElectricAye wrote: » I've been wondering the same thing. What's the reflection in those goggles? Is he performing surgery on something or making a meat loaf?
doggiedoc wrote: » I probably shouldn't say.
ElectricAye wrote: You do realize that when I sent you that recipe for cat tail soup, those were not the kinda cat tails I was talking about.....
doggiedoc wrote: Shhhhsh. He'll hear you!
Browser wrote: » crawlz further under coverz. shivverz wit feer. madman haz taken over doggiedoc acount. -borwz
Cats are popular!!
OK, yeah, that one's interesting too.
I've been wondering the same thing. What's the reflection in those goggles? Is he performing surgery on something or making a meat loaf?
You do realize that when I sent you that recipe for cat tail soup, those were not the kinda cat tails I was talking about.....
clawz r sharp. bring it on. im wating.