Can a Propeller Emulate a USB Keyboard?
I would like to be able to generate keyboard character codes with a Propeller and send them over USB to a PC--essentially have the Propeller be functionally "typing" on the PC. In principle, this seems possible, as the Parallax Serial Terminal running on a PC receives and displays characters from the Propeller through its USB programming connection, but I am guessing there would need to be some additional driver code in order for the data stream from the Propeller to actually interact with the PC OS?
Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I would like to be able to generate keyboard character codes with a Propeller and send them over USB to a PC--essentially have the Propeller be functionally "typing" on the PC. In principle, this seems possible, as the Parallax Serial Terminal running on a PC receives and displays characters from the Propeller through its USB programming connection, but I am guessing there would need to be some additional driver code in order for the data stream from the Propeller to actually interact with the PC OS?
Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
If you have a choice, keep it simple. In some cases, you can get a dongle that converts a traditional keyboard output to a USB and it seems that the computer will then recognize the old DIN serial code via the adapter. That might be the easiest way to feed into a USB as a virtual keyboard.
But you still have quite a bit of a learning curve. The keyboard serial protocol is unique - in one direction it totals 12 bits and in the other it totals 13 bits, and it includes parity calculation and a variety of byte codes that is quite extensive.
Escentially, DOS initially assumed the input "Console" commands came from a keyboard and output was sent to the display..
However, one could change the console input so it came from a serial port. It was a simple DOS command string usually in the autoexec.bat file.
BTW, this did not disable the keyboard so both the keyboard and serial input could operate the computer.
Does anyone know if non DOS based windows machines can have alternate console inputs? If so one would simply enable the serial console and just use the prop dongle without any changes.
As I recall, and as Mike Green said, the keyboard input is quite complex. But the output from the keyboard console program to DOS and subsequently Windows is simply the characters one types. The same as with the serial console which is simply characters.
Does anyone know if I/O is still "Console" based and how to use it?
If this is still true it would be simple for the Propeller to do it.
This is a hardware solution so it doesn't depend on drivers, operating systems, and can "test" any software that can be keyboard driven.
I believe there are also mouse versions but haven't used them. Control characters are supported to be simulate "Key chords" such as Ctrl-Alt-T, etc