Trouble with first blinking LED program
Posts: 5
Hi, I have a new BOE BOT and can't get the first LED test circuit to work. I have connected the 2 resistors and the two red LEDs exactly as shown in the Manual and have triple-checked the program for accuracy. The LEDs do not blink when I run the program however, 2 very small LEDs (1red and 1blue) flash alternatley when I run the program. I must be doing something wrong but can't figure out what it is. Help, Pl?.
Please post your source code and a description of your connections. How are you powering the BOE?
Anyway - we look forward to helping you more. Love those BoeBots!
Do you have the polarity of the red LEDs correct? They only light up one way.
Edit: DoggieDoc beat me to it!
I'm new to the forums myself, however I have assembled the BOE-Bot ATLEAST 2 times. If you could, as erco said, post a pic of your electronics and source (code), then that would help a lot
Happy Boe-Botting!
John Board
Thanks very much for your offers of help. I hope the code will display correctly per instructions.
I won't be able to send a picture until tomorrow, but I hope this info will help.
thanks again!
With a picture we can verify that the circuit is connected correctly.
Sorry for the confusion.
John Board
I'm attaching a photo of the connections. Hope this helps. Thanks again, all!
Not a problem. We all have been there. Do not let it stop you from going forward now.
Thanks, all, for your patience and assistance!
Brand new to BoeBot and this forum.
I too am having trouble with the flashing LED project.
Have followed the threads and would seem to be doing everything correctly but the LEDs are still not flashing.
My question is: does the value of the resistors affect the project? I am not very good with colours and at 80 years of age my sight is not what it was (not that it ever was great) and therefore I may have the wrong resistors connected.
Help please.
Yes, the color bands determine the value of the resistor and the too much resistance (too high value) can keep the LEDs from being visible. Do you have a way of magnifying your view of the resistor bands so you can more readily determine the colors?
On to the next project (and problem no doubt)
Yours was a very easy mistake to make. Especially in this age of tolerance, we have all been conditioned to think that "color doesn't matter". But in the electronics game, all resistors are NOT created equal, for a variety of reasons!