Standard Servo Question
I'm doing a project for my robotics class. My team wants the head to turn 180 degrees. Okay. I have that. The only problem is that it jerks at the start. Is there a command that could send the value a servo is at back to the code?
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} '---[Variables]--- counter VAR Word '---[Main Routine]--- FOR counter = 750 TO 350 STEP 5 PULSOUT 14, counter PAUSE 10 NEXT DO FOR counter = 350 TO 1150 STEP 5 PULSOUT 14, counter PAUSE 10 NEXT FOR counter = 1150 TO 350 STEP 5 PULSOUT 14, counter PAUSE 10 NEXT LOOP
Might be better to park it and wake up from one extreme position, either 350 or 1150, whichever works best.
You can also try adding a second on/off switch. One switch powers up your electronics only, and the other supplies power to your servo(s). You might try switching them on in whatever sequence works best, usually electronics first.