Question about 555 timer
I have a circuit that is detecting dark spots for a project I am messing with. I have the whole circuit completed, but I have found that I need to add a 2 second time delay to the photocell trigger to prevent small changes in light for a short period from activating the circuit. Once the 2 seconds are up and the device is still detecting dark below the threshold, it will then activate the 555 timer to run another circuit. How would I add a 2 second delay to the photocell trigger without adding another 555? Currently, the photocell is connected to a 4401 transistor where the base is pulled up via a 10k resistor and the photocell is connected to pull down the base to activate the trigger on the 555. Is there some way to add a capacitor to that part of the circuit to charge before activating the trigger on the 555?
1- You have a PNP transistor (4401) in your schematic but a 2N4401 is an NPN. What transistor do you have there and is it connected as shown in the schematic?
2- Do you have a part number for the photocell or can you measure it's resistance in light and dark conditions?
3- Can you check your circuit against my schematic and verify that they match?
I have attached a simpler circuit that should do what you want. A 100K pot for RDELAY and 22uF for CDELAY should get you close to a 2 second delay. The actual delay also depends on the characteristics of the photosensor so I cannot be more precise.
The value of RA has to be calculated. You need to measure the dark resistance of the photocell (lets call that RD) and the light resistance (RL).
RA = (RD+RL)/4
Use a standard resistor value as close to the calculated value or a pot that can be adjusted to that value.
I also noticed that as you turn the potentiometer up, the delay goes up as well. Is there a way to fix that?
And..... The pre-delay works perfect, but if the potentiometer is still in the dark for 30 seconds, then hits light, the "after" delay does not work. It's like the cap for the "in-light" delay charges even in the dark. Any ideas?
1 - Do nothing while the photocell is exposed to light.
2 - When the photocell is in darkness for more than 2 seconds it triggers a 33 second positive pulse out on pin 3.
3 - The circuit then requires the photocell be exposed to light for at least 2 seconds to charge Cdelay.
About the only thing that can be done to improve this circuit is to add a diode in parallel with Rdelay to charge Cdelay faster when the photocell is exposed to light if that is required.
When the photocell is exposed to light it's resistance decreases causing the voltage at the junction of Ra, Rdelay, and the photocell to increase. This voltage charges capacitor Cdelay through the potentiometer Rdelay. As long as the voltage on pin 2 is above 4V the 555 will not be triggered. When the photocell is not exposed to light it's resistance increases, reducing the voltage at the junction, and the capacitor discharges through Rdelay. Once the voltage on pin 2 drops below 4V the circuit will be triggered.
Not too clear on what you mean by the "second delay" kicking in. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you are using the circuit for?
No luck on my second or third try.
Have to go out for a couple of hours. PM your email address to me and I will email the diagram to you. I will also try to post it again but I am not optimistic. This problem seems to be getting worse day by day.