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TSL1401DB Automatic Exposure control using ".BS2 " Code — Parallax Forums

TSL1401DB Automatic Exposure control using ".BS2 " Code

mclparkermclparker Posts: 15
edited 2011-12-04 12:28 in Accessories
Hi Phil,

I use the TSL1401DB, MoBoStamp-pe, and PLX-DAQ for spectral data acquisition. Your TSL1401-DB_Manual describes automatic exposure control when using the TSL1401DB Monitor, but for the life of me I cant figure out how to implement automatic exposure control in stand alone ".bs2" code.

Can you post example code to do this please?

Thank you,



  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-12-04 12:28

    Here's the code that the monitor program loads into the BS2pe (autoexposure stuff highlighted in red):
    ' {$STAMP BS2pe}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    io      PIN 6
    ext     PIN 3
    busy    VAR Bit
    mode    VAR Byte
    exp     VAR Byte
    led     VAR Byte
    gate    VAR mode.BIT7
    trig    VAR mode.BIT6
    strobe  VAR mode.BIT5
    autoexp VAR mode.BIT4
    sync    VAR mode.BIT3
    lock    VAR mode.BIT2
    pixno   VAR Byte
    pixval  VAR Byte
    char    VAR Byte(16)
    i       VAR Byte
    maxbrt  VAR Char
    NUL       CON $00
    SOH       CON $01
    EOT       CON $04
    BAUD9600  CON 84
    BAUD      CON 6
    mode = 0
    exp = 64
    led = 0
    PAUSE 10
    LOW 14
    SEROUT 16, BAUD9600, [NUL, NUL, NUL, "R", NUL, EOT]
    SERIN 16, BAUD9600, 200, GoAhead, [WAIT(SOH, "M"), HEX2 mode, HEX2 exp, HEX2 led]
      pause 10 
      SEROUT 16, BAUD9600, [NUL, ">", NUL, EOT]
      OWOUT io, 1, [$EC, 128, 8, $00, $EB, strobe << 7 | led, $EE, exp] ', $A4]
    GOSUB Ready
      DO WHILE (gate and ext) : LOOP
      IF (sync) THEN
        IF (trig) THEN 
          DO : LOOP UNTIL ext
          DO : LOOP WHILE ext
        LOW 0 : INPUT 0
        PULSIN 0, 0, char
        IF (char = 0 OR char > 96) THEN lock = 0 ELSE lock = 1
        OWOUT io, 1, [$A0]
        OWOUT io, 1, [trig << 3 + $A0]
      SEROUT 16, BAUD, [NUL, "M", HEX2 mode, HEX2 exp, HEX2 led, NUL, EOT]
      GOSUB Ready
      SEROUT 16, BAUD, [NUL, "P"]
      OWIN io, 8, [SPSTR 126]
      OWIN io, 8, [STR char\2]
      FOR i = 0 to 125
        GET i, pixval
        SEROUT 16, BAUD, [pixval]
      SEROUT 16, BAUD, [STR char\2]
      SEROUT 16, BAUD, [NUL, EOT]
      [color=red]IF (autoexp) THEN
        OWOUT io, 1, [$DA, 34]
        OWIN io, 8, [maxbrt]
        exp = $E000 / (maxbrt / $FF + 1 * maxbrt) */ exp max 255 min 1
        OWOUT io, 1, [$EE, exp]
        OWIN io, 4, [busy]
      LOOP WHILE busy

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