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ELEV-8 Quadcopter: ordering, design files, assembly and flight! - Page 3 — Parallax Forums

ELEV-8 Quadcopter: ordering, design files, assembly and flight!



  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2012-02-04 21:51
    Thank you Ken, Kevin and Parralax in general!
    I recieved the ELEV-8 Quadcopter via FedEx and this looks fun! I will share more as I go.

    Hey, you're welcome (. . .wait a minute - you're the customer!). With the right first-person setup you should be able to monitor the cattle from a distance. Don't worry about crashing and get this rig in the air pronto! If you need parts don't hesitate to drop us a line.

    Most importantly, welcome to the forums! It's fantastic to have another ELEV-8er join the flight crew!

    Ken Gracey
  • CowboyCoderCowboyCoder Posts: 33
    edited 2012-02-04 22:17
    Ken Gracey wrote: »
    Hey, you're welcome (. . .wait a minute - you're the customer!). With the right first-person setup you should be able to monitor the cattle from a distance. Don't worry about crashing and get this rig in the air pronto! If you need parts don't hesitate to drop us a line.

    Most importantly, welcome to the forums! It's fantastic to have another ELEV-8er join the flight crew!

    Ken Gracey

    Thank you Ken and nice to re-meet you. (show in Oregon 2001ish was it?)

    Tomorrow, superbowl or not, the dining room table turns into the hanger deck of the USS Crabapple Ranch lol. Flying Monday morning.
    I have now had a chance to unpack and inventory the box. INCREDIBLE PRODUCT KEN! When Parallax say complete kit you kinda mean it, thank you.

    Can I post a build log here as well as what has been agreed too?

    Have a great weekend and I will chat with you early in the week.

    Thanks for the crash kit lol...
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2012-02-04 22:22
    Thank you Ken and nice to re-meet you. (show in Oregon 2001ish was it?)

    Tomorrow, superbowl or not, the dining room table turns into the hanger deck of the USS Crabapple Ranch lol. Flying Monday morning.
    I have now had a chance to unpack and inventory the box. INCREDIBLE PRODUCT KEN! When Parallax say complete kit you kinda mean it, thank you.

    Can I post a build log here as well as what has been agreed too?

    Have a great weekend and I will chat with you early in the week.

    Thanks for the crash kit lol...

    Oregon 2001 - must've been the Portland Robotics Expo or the Southern Oregon Robotics Club.

    Superbowl party at my house, but I'll be at the kitchen table building Penguin robots.

    I assume you've already got the radio, battery and charger. Sounds like Crabapple Ranch already knows about this kind of thing.

    Can you post a build log here? Yes! That would be fantastic. You can use the big thread with 44 pages in the Builder's Forum or make your own - whatever you want to do. And feel free to tell the truth about the project - we've taken some hits on certain things that should be more or less correct by this point. For example, there was some confusion about the assembly so watch the videos first and you'll see how it's built from the bottom up. Get those motors and soldering connections 100% correct - there is NO room for failure here whatsoever!

    I'll be around if you have any questions. Oh, and if you want to talk in person just drop me an e-mail and tell me where to call. When I'm at Parallax I'm usually not near the phone but I am always available.

    Make good progress tomorrow!
  • CowboyCoderCowboyCoder Posts: 33
    edited 2012-02-04 22:52
    Ken Gracey wrote: »
    Oregon 2001 - must've been the Portland Robotics Expo or the Southern Oregon Robotics Club.

    Superbowl party at my house, but I'll be at the kitchen table building Penguin robots.

    I assume you've already got the radio, battery and charger. Sounds like Crabapple Ranch already knows about this kind of thing.

    Can you post a build log here? Yes! That would be fantastic. You can use the big thread with 44 pages in the Builder's Forum or make your own - whatever you want to do. And feel free to tell the truth about the project - we've taken some hits on certain things that should be more or less correct by this point. For example, there was some confusion about the assembly so watch the videos first and you'll see how it's built from the bottom up. Get those motors and soldering connections 100% correct - there is NO room for failure here whatsoever!

    I'll be around if you have any questions. Oh, and if you want to talk in person just drop me an e-mail and tell me where to call. When I'm at Parallax I'm usually not near the phone but I am always available.

    Make good progress tomorrow!

    Grants Pass? 2001-2002? ummm RoboMax I think, maybe. You had about 20 Toddlers doing a dance.
    Yup, new Futaba 2.4 and a couple of receivers and batteries just for this project.
    Truth is the first rule for me Ken, so no worries there.
    Thank you for the advice, I will follow everything to the letter and indeed, you will be my first "bail me out" call should it be necessary. I will PM you my numbers.
    Thanks Ken.
    Giants all the way!
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-02-08 10:52
    @Ken: Maybe it's time for a flamethrowing ELEV-8! What's the payload capacity? :)
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2012-02-08 10:52
    erco wrote: »
    @Ken: Maybe it's time for a flamethrowing ELEV-8! What's the payload capacity? :)

    Two pounds.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-02-08 11:11
    Plus lift from the hot air generated, plus the thrust generated from firing downward. Maybe all this can lead to a quad rocket platform like those kinetic kill weapons demos from a few years back...
  • Nick ErnstNick Ernst Posts: 138
    edited 2012-02-09 15:01
    That definitely has to find it's way onto an ELEV-8!! That is awesome!
  • TheGrueTheGrue Posts: 114
    edited 2012-03-01 00:09
    I had a question about the Firmware updates and I emailed the following to HoverFly that I thought everyone might find useful:
    In the update client it lists three similar firmware updates i.e.
    3.1.477 Sport
    3.1.477 Expert
    3.1.477 AP
    I have the Sport board so does that mean that I choose the Sport entry? What are the differences?
    HoverFly responded with:
    The three different versions you see are for different flight characteristics. Sport is the version you would choose for acrobatic flight, while AP is the version you would choose for stable Aerial Photography. Expert is for those who want complete control with minimal correction from the flight controller.
    If you do not have much previous RC flight experience, we recommend starting with AP to learn the basics. This will provide the steadiest flight characteristics.
  • photomankcphotomankc Posts: 943
    edited 2012-03-01 10:50
    erco wrote: »
    Plus lift from the hot air generated, plus the thrust generated from firing downward. Maybe all this can lead to a quad rocket platform like those kinetic kill weapons demos from a few years back...

    OMG! I have got to have something like that fire up for the 4th! Load it with launching rockets and attack the other 4th displays. LOL, my street would absolutely love it!
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2012-03-01 11:34
    This would make a good project for using multiple ELEV-8 Quadcopters working together.....
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-03-01 12:00
    THAT is nothing short of amazing. Let's see Flight of the Bumblebee next.
  • twhite101twhite101 Posts: 14
    edited 2012-03-02 21:15
    I have mine built and setup, but one issue that keeps me from having fun!
    I have calibrated the ESCs with my receiver and tested each of the props rotation after calibration.
    I have checked the inputs to the HoverFly Sport board using the setup software provided by HoverFly's website, each ch is showing movement (in the correct directions)
    I am able to start up the HoverFly Sport board and arm it, but no movement on the props other than the ESCs chirping and twitching the props. :frown:

    When doing the calibration; after it is complete the ESC doesn't chirp, it seams like the ESC are not reading the output from the HoverFly board.

    The ESCs shipped with my ELEV-8 are Hobby King ESCs, but on HoverFly's support site
    They state the following:
    ESC and Propeller Combinations
    311315_2191074850972_1070151099_2583211_2972318_n_thumb.jpg Stacey Ducharme
    posted this on September 23, 2011 12:28 am

    Currently, we are in discussions with several ESC manufacturers. There is a widespread problem with ESCs and their compatibility with multi-rotor flight controllers. Castle Creations may offer a 100Hz PWM update rate firmware upgrade in the near future. We will test this when it is available.
    For now we recommend:
    Turnigy Plush ESCs

    I am going to try the Turnigy Plush ESCs, I will post a follow up.

    Please post the ESC's that you have got to work with the HoverFly Sport board and the firmware of the Sport board.
  • Cats92Cats92 Posts: 149
    edited 2012-03-03 01:35

    I used Turnigy Plush 25 amp ESC from HobbyKing
    With Turnigy 2217/20 /860kv brushless motors

    It works fine
  • Nick ErnstNick Ernst Posts: 138
    edited 2012-03-03 08:35
    I do not believe it is an issue with the esc's, as we have tested and ran all of the component combinations that we currently offer. We have not had any issues with the Hobby King esc's, and I am currently running them in a Y-6 that I am testing. Is it possible for you to post a few pictures of your wiring setup, as it seems there might be something holding you up in this area. I say this because the esc's chirp through the motors, so there is some power going through the esc's, but not enough to drive them for flight. Thanks, and I look forward to getting you airborne!

  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2012-03-03 15:00
    TWhite - When you power up the board, try using the trim on your transmitter to bring the throttle value slightly lower. It's possible that the ESCs are not arming because they aren't seeing a low enough value from the throttle. Also, make sure the connections to the ESCs are correct - IE, when looking at the board, the signal wire should be on the right, and the ground (usually black) wire on the left. And as Nick suggested, posting pictures of your wiring and connections will help others help you narrow down the problem.
  • twhite101twhite101 Posts: 14
    edited 2012-03-03 17:37
    This is the photo of the HoverFly connections to the ESCs, as the photo will show I have removed the power (red wires covered them with heat shrink) from each but the 1st ESC connector.
    HoverFly Sport ESC connections.jpg

    Here is the sequence from power up:
    1. all four of the ESC do their songs
    2. Hoverfly board double beep.
    2a. solid red led
    2b. double beep
    2c. flashing green led
    3. Transmitter
    3a. rudder full left, one beep from the Hoverfly board
    3b. rudder full right, two beeps from the Hoverfly board
    4. Flashing red led, three beeps then solid green led on the Hoverfly.
    5. move the throt up slowly to max, no movement from any of the motors.

    All the while after step 2 each of the ESCs about every 2 sec beep & twitch its motor until remove the power.

    Thanks for the input, I have tried trimming back the throt, same result.

    I have calibrated each ESC by plugging each one at a time in to the recv throt channel while doing the following:
    1. All powered off.
    2. Turn on transmitter, move the throt to max.
    3. Power up the ESC
    4. After beeps, moved the throt to min.
    5. Moved throt up slowly, motor turned with the throt setting also checked for correct rotation. Change motor leads as needed when rotation was incorrect. NOTE: during each rotation test; I did throt up to the level I felt safe while holding the landing strut, came close to slipping out of my hand. So the battery is at a ok level of charge. My transmitter show the ELEV-8 battery is at 11.2 volts.
    6. Remove power from the ESC
    repeated steps 1-5 for each ESC

    So each ESC and motor setup works.
    Using the HoverFly setup program I can see that the board is getting correct inputs and range movement from each channel from the recv.
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-03-03 18:33
    twhite101 wrote: »
    My transmitter show the ELEV-8 battery is at 11.2 volts.

    How does your transmitter measure the voltage of your ELEV-8 battery?

    The motors will respond even without the main battery attached, if there is a source of power through the servo connectors. Have you verified that each ESC has a good connection tot he battery pack?
  • twhite101twhite101 Posts: 14
    edited 2012-03-03 18:59
    I have a Hitec Aurora 9 transmitter & Optima 9 transceiver, this setup has telemetry back to the transmitter. The Aurora 9 shows the aircraft battery & transmitter's battery voltages.
    There is only one battery for the quadcopter.

    As I stated during calibration (using the same battery) each worked being connected to the recv, so all connections from the battery, ESCs & motors are good.
  • twhite101twhite101 Posts: 14
    edited 2012-03-03 19:11
    Just in case, I have fully changed the battery [Li-Po 4400mAh 30C 3S 11.1V] now showing 12.5V for the flight battery on my transmitter.
    Same results, no change other than the battery voltage.
  • Nick ErnstNick Ernst Posts: 138
    edited 2012-03-03 21:05
    You have been very thorough, and have given good details on your troubleshooting, and I commend you for it! It sounds like there may be an issue with the board's outputs, as I am pretty sure you mentioned earlier. I will send you a private message with my email and we can continue that way.

  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2012-03-04 01:11
    If you have a scope of any kind (PropScope, oscilloscope, logic scope) you could hook it up to the signal pins on the HoverFly board to see if it's producing outputs, but I agree with Nick - it sounds like you've done everything right.
  • twhite101twhite101 Posts: 14
    edited 2012-03-05 05:13
    twhite101 wrote: »
    I have mine built and setup, but one issue that keeps me from having fun!
    I have calibrated the ESCs with my receiver and tested each of the props rotation after calibration.
    I have checked the inputs to the HoverFly Sport board using the setup software provided by HoverFly's website, each ch is showing movement (in the correct directions)
    I am able to start up the HoverFly Sport board and arm it, but no movement on the props other than the ESCs chirping and twitching the props. :frown:

    When doing the calibration; after it is complete the ESC doesn't chirp, it seams like the ESC are not reading the output from the HoverFly board.

    The ESCs shipped with my ELEV-8 are Hobby King ESCs, but on HoverFly's support site
    They state the following:
    ESC and Propeller Combinations
    311315_2191074850972_1070151099_2583211_2972318_n_thumb.jpg Stacey Ducharme
    posted this on September 23, 2011 12:28 am

    Currently, we are in discussions with several ESC manufacturers. There is a widespread problem with ESCs and their compatibility with multi-rotor flight controllers. Castle Creations may offer a 100Hz PWM update rate firmware upgrade in the near future. We will test this when it is available.
    For now we recommend:
    Turnigy Plush ESCs

    I am going to try the Turnigy Plush ESCs, I will post a follow up.

    Please post the ESC's that you have got to work with the HoverFly Sport board and the firmware of the Sport board.

    Ok, I have find out that it is the HoverFly Sport board, flat line on all outputs to the ESCs.
  • TheGrueTheGrue Posts: 114
    edited 2012-03-07 14:04
    TheGrue wrote: »
    I had a question about the Firmware updates and I emailed the following to HoverFly that I thought everyone might find useful:
    In the update client it lists three similar firmware updates i.e.
    3.1.477 Sport
    3.1.477 Expert
    3.1.477 AP
    I have the Sport board so does that mean that I choose the Sport entry? What are the differences?
    HoverFly responded with:
    The three different versions you see are for different flight characteristics. Sport is the version you would choose for acrobatic flight, while AP is the version you would choose for stable Aerial Photography. Expert is for those who want complete control with minimal correction from the flight controller.
    If you do not have much previous RC flight experience, we recommend starting with AP to learn the basics. This will provide the steadiest flight characteristics.
    So I now have steady flight! I am so happy! Now I just wish that the weather would comply so I can take longer flights. I am going to get some FPV camera gear to fly from the view of the copter. I have to save up for it though. I will post more info on my build site URL][/URLwhen I get my ELEV-8 repaired. I flashed the ELEV-8 with the Aerial Photography Firmware and found that 50% Gain was really the best so far. Plus it helps to first fly indoors with no wind. I just needed a large room. Oh and I did buy the Phoenix RC simulator software. I bought the Phoenix because it had a Quadcopter model to fly. I crashed my virtual quad several times until I could get it to fly level and the Simulator is a lot harder to fly than the ELEV-8 unless you flash it with the "Expert" firmware version.
  • twhite101twhite101 Posts: 14
    edited 2012-03-12 11:10
    Ok, watch out for lighting when flying this Quad-Choper. Top secret Parallax project, just kidding :smile: [h=1]Flying Time Machine from the movie "Back to the Future"[/h][video=youtube_share;eA4U-6GmkUw]
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-03-12 11:12
    Ahhh...I think Roy just posted that.
  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2012-03-12 15:16
    It looks a little less stable than the one in the movie. :)
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-03-12 17:16
    twhite101 wrote: »

    Looks a little like the unit Sikorsky made back in the 80's. Although Sikorsky had a whole lot less mechanical s. One motor and two counter-rotating fans.

    394 x 347 - 19K
  • twhite101twhite101 Posts: 14
    edited 2012-03-14 07:55
    Check out if you need the ability to supply power to other items on your RC devices. They have a very good +5v, +3,3v & adjustable 1A switching regulators that are close to the same size as 78xx regulators.
    The current draw depends on the load unlike 78xx regulators (small current draw from your battery for small loads). They also have many other RC electronics; if you have an extra channel on your receiver, you can control your lights, camera shutter or other devices with
    300 x 271 - 14K
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