myrOBOT Library

Hi All,
how posted in another thread, I work on an robot library, with the aim to replace the Lego Mindstorm Brain, but use all
the Lego Motors and Sensors included in the Lego Package.
The software grows faster than the hardware and mechanical stuff .
The software frontend looks like this:
if any is interest for full open source here is the path:
how posted in another thread, I work on an robot library, with the aim to replace the Lego Mindstorm Brain, but use all
the Lego Motors and Sensors included in the Lego Package.
The software grows faster than the hardware and mechanical stuff .
The software frontend looks like this:
/**************************************** Propeller replace mindstorm brick codename: myrOBOT Author : Reinhard Mayer Date : 2011 - DEC - 03 Version : 0.0.1 Compiler: propgcc ._____ _____. | \__/ | Button1| 1 40 |TXD Button2| 2 39 |RXD Sound.out| 3 38 |SDA Analog.out| 4 37 |SCL MotorB dir| 5 36 |ADC_FAST.SCLK MotorA dir| 6 35 |ADC_FAST.nCS MotorB Power| 7 34 |ADC_FAST.DIN MotorA Power| 8 33 |ADC_FAST.DOUT Vss| 9 32 |VDD nBOE| 10 31 |XO nRES| 11 30 |XI Vdd| 12 29 |Vss| 13 28 |LCD.DB7 SigmaDelta.fb| 14 27 |LCD.DB6 spare| 15 26 |LCD.DB5 spare| 16 25 |LCD.DB4 spare| 17 24 |LCD.DB3 LCD.RS| 18 23 |LCD.DB2 LCD.RW| 19 22 |LCD.DB1 LCD.EN| 20 21 |LCD.DB0 |______________| *****************************************/ #include <propeller.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "kernel.h" #include "motor.h" #include "analog_out.h" #include "max147.h" // this is the mailbox for Sigma Delta ADC // it is important to place declaration here ! unsigned int value; #define Teststub ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main () { int percent; unsigned short adc_fast; kernel_init(); #ifdef Teststub DIRA |= 1 << 16; // Sigma Delta Limit Indicator LED while(1) { for(percent = 0; percent <= 100;percent++) { //motor pwm and direction, for this test of course no common motor - axis ;-) setMotorA(percent,fwd); setMotorB(100 - percent,rev); //analog out setAnalogOut(percent); // delay before next pwm delta msleep(100); //Sigma Delta ADC if(value > 300) { //pulse LED if sigma delta value exceeds a limit OUTA |= 1 << 16; msleep(500); OUTA &= ~(1 << 16); } //buttons if( CLOSE == getButtonState(1) ) swapMotorADirection (); if( CLOSE == getButtonState(2) ) swapMotorBDirection (); //adc_fast, for more info read max147 datasheet adc_fast = readMAX147(0xFF); } percent = 0; msleep(500); } #endif }
if any is interest for full open source here is the path:
This is fantastic! I have an old Mindstorm 1.0/1.5 set that is mechanically and electrically perfect but we've been having trouble finding software that works on a moder PC to run the brick. Now I can just replace the brick with a propeller!
I'm going to be following this project closely!
Excellent work!
Thank you for the comment, I think for the predicat "Excellent work" I have even more to do.
I guess I run not into problems with the software, but any hardware concept is still uncleared today.
Actually I use an MOS-FET for the MotorDriver and 2 Relays for each Motordirection, because they are the components I found in my tinker box.
Maybe it is better to use a standard Driver IC, but I think the signal for this IC (PWM and Digital IO ) will remain unchanged.
Unclear is also how I integrate the Propeller PCB with Lego stuff.
So it can be there are different hardware solutions and this will adapt with minor software changes.
However the next thing is to write a driver for the hitachi LCD, also found in my tinker box.
And a diver for play a melody is also a nice to have.
Thanks !
Since english is not my native language, what is hackaday
now the LCD Driver and PlaySound are added to the myrOBOT Library.
Of course some functions are not only special for roboting, but also usable for general purpose.
In the path above now is a zip archive, for easy download.