Problem with the SD-Card

Dear friends,
I have stuck and i need your help. I started a very cool project a Propeller Planetarium.
I execute an algorithm on my propeller QuickStart Board and Im trying to write the numeric results on a Micro SD-card Adapter #32312 using a Transcend 8GB micro SD card.
I have also build a Real Time Circuit using the DS1302 (this circuit works perfect and I have no problem).
Im trying to create a single file on the SD card and I use the codes for The FAT16/32 Full File System Driver from Application Note AN006 Parallax semiconductor documentation but nothing happens. The Error Led on 23 doesnt help me very much.
Do you know any code that can displays the error messages on serial terminal?
P.s. If overcome this obstacle my project will be finished. But I promise I wont participate on the contest for the QUADROVERS that started by Matt
I have stuck and i need your help. I started a very cool project a Propeller Planetarium.
I execute an algorithm on my propeller QuickStart Board and Im trying to write the numeric results on a Micro SD-card Adapter #32312 using a Transcend 8GB micro SD card.
I have also build a Real Time Circuit using the DS1302 (this circuit works perfect and I have no problem).
Im trying to create a single file on the SD card and I use the codes for The FAT16/32 Full File System Driver from Application Note AN006 Parallax semiconductor documentation but nothing happens. The Error Led on 23 doesnt help me very much.
Do you know any code that can displays the error messages on serial terminal?
P.s. If overcome this obstacle my project will be finished. But I promise I wont participate on the contest for the QUADROVERS that started by Matt

Do you mean the the following scematics?
I thowght that this wiring was optional.
I'll try your suggestion as soon as possible! thank you again!
However if anyone had a different opinion I would appreciate any help.
For debugging, consider using the Parallax Serial Terminal which is included with the Propeller Tool. This is a PC program plus a Spin object that's used in the Propeller Education Kit labs and is available in the Object Exchange as well. There's a sample program template included for use with the QuickStart board.
Thank you very much Mike!
I'll try your suggestion with the simple interface Immediately!
Could you tell me please which one of the following circuit with the 0.1uF ceramic capacitor between Vdd and Ground (Vss) is
valid? option A , option B, both or none of them?
Is the ceramic capacitor wired right?
The spin object from Propeller Education Kit for the sirial terminal that you suggested are also awesome!
I hope to overcome this obstacle in order to present my project on this forum.
Thank you again for your precious help!
I'd double check connections and make sure you don't have DO and DI backwards or something...
You could also try the FSRW 2.6 code in OBEX...
Thank you all of you for your kind attitude to help me!
JLocke and Mike Green had absolutely right!
As mr Green mentioned the "simple card interface with the 1uF capacitor was necessary in my case!
I wired two circuits simple card interfaces. One for the SD card adapter (#32313) and the other for the micro-sd Card Adapter (#32312)
Here is a photo from my primitive project
Both circuits work perfect!
I tested both and I created a simple file on the SD card. Here is the result:
However I haven't achieved to write the secquence of crucial data into ot the file yet.
I am in the process to achieve and this goal!
I wrote 2 different codes in order to overcome this problem!. One using the keypad without the homemade extention and the other code a litle changed because of the use of the cable extention.