Propeller Ninja Throwing Star ?

Getting close to sending this OSHW panel off to the fab, but not before adding this OSHW logo inspired frivolity.
I've yet to add the eeprom/xtal/reg/microsd on the back, and will look for a matching USB A adapter (I think Cluso's may work), so it can plug into a laptop for development.
Its about 1.4" across, just big enough to be dangerous
I've yet to add the eeprom/xtal/reg/microsd on the back, and will look for a matching USB A adapter (I think Cluso's may work), so it can plug into a laptop for development.
Its about 1.4" across, just big enough to be dangerous
Are you taking a count for "Smorgasbord" boards yet or even collecting monies in advance to help defray your costs?
I don't mind PayPal-ing for a couple up front if that helps you out any.
Yeah, good idea. It's really pretty small (about the same size as PhiPi's backpack), so the indents aren't much use, but you could certainly add 'tip extenders' (or whatever a Ninja would call them) to break out to the correct connector. I've made a few 10 pin breakouts and DIP8 based breakouts, i guess they could be used if the star diameter was big enough.
I have on my desk a Hammond octagonal 1590 diecast stomp box, its about CD/DVD diameter, and not far off Parallax blue-y purple in color. I could design "wedges" to plug into this star, but the side walls of the diecast box would have to be machined to match the connectors. It would come up really nicely though.
I think a ninja would call them Caltrops
Crikey. That's what those things are called. Seems a bit draconian, wonder if they don't have another name for accessory tips they might use, say, for slicing carrots?
Here's a pic of the Hammond box with the pcb in the middle and a CD to give an idea of scale. It's a bit lost in there isn't it. Still, plenty of room for "caltrop wedges", and you certainly want something metal to keep such dangerous accessories in.
Could this be the start of the Propeller Lunchbox? (legend in a lunchbox!) ?
Ok I admit I have this penchant for unusual enclosures and extrusions. But ever since Quattro Gusti I've been looking out for something to put it in... little red sparkfun boxes were nice and pizza-like but not square.
Oh and I saved a mentos chewing gum container because it looks perfect for a Propstick...
sure, they come in about 5 colors maybe more
Now that I think about it, if you place 4 of those 2x2 the center piece might be useful as something else, it would be a bigger piece too, but that all depends on how the boards will be laid out when produced. Some configurations would be easier to cut than others.
See if you can fit the transistor reset circuit also. This will require a set of links. I now use vias as close as possible for this. If you do not have the t/hole space just use vias without the holes - then you can solder bridges. Just layout an 0805 cap and sot23 transistor (no b-e resistor) and use the MMBT3904 footprint. The b-e 0805 resistor can be soldered to the transistor pins directly or a transistor with internal bias resistors can be used (this is what I am using on the CpuBlade RevB that you have). You can save space using smt resistor networks (TC164J family).
Just curious is all
The others (eeprom, reg, uSD, xtal, maybe FT232, maybe coin cell) need to go on the back side. See attached - the molex uSD card holder elevates the microsd card above the FT232 and MSOP eeprom. The xtal needs to swap to SMD type, and MSOP regulator needs a home too.
Really on this design we should put an accelerometer, for when it gets flung...
Besides the "servo" ports there are really 2 options depending on whether the FT232RL is retained or not:-
* keep the FT232RL and change to a USB A input plug, or
* extend the 4 pin "prop plug" out to 5 pins. There are several standards (Bill's, Cluso's, and the 4D plug, and maybe more) with different 5th pin arrangement and voltage. Haven't decided yet.
The long silver thing is a molex MicroSD socket. The crystal, and DIP8 socket for Rayman's 3AD and/or Vanmunch's Gyro are on the back of the board. The two holes either side of the prop are for a CR2032 coin cell with tabs.
The eeprom and 3v3 regulator are both MSOP packages, which fit snugly along one side of the prop. I haven't found a 512k eeprom in MSOP yet, though.
I've tested successfully with Vanmunch's Gyro module plugged into the reverse side