Kalman Implementation
I have a question in regards to the Kalman Filtered IMU via 5DOF Accelerometer/Gyro code.
I have the exact setup as listed in the code and am trying to read the roll angle via serial terminal and am having problems getting this angle. The readings come out very laggy and always around ~ -180...
Here is my code. Any ideas?
pin 6 on the MCP3208 (VDD as stated in manual) is connected to a 3.3V supply and pin 7 is not connected to anything. I'm not sure if pin 6 should be 5V..
Thank you!
I have a question in regards to the Kalman Filtered IMU via 5DOF Accelerometer/Gyro code.
I have the exact setup as listed in the code and am trying to read the roll angle via serial terminal and am having problems getting this angle. The readings come out very laggy and always around ~ -180...
Here is my code. Any ideas?
pin 6 on the MCP3208 (VDD as stated in manual) is connected to a 3.3V supply and pin 7 is not connected to anything. I'm not sure if pin 6 should be 5V..
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ imu: "IMU" Debug: "FullDuplexSerialPlus" fstring: "FloatString" VAR long rollangle PUB Run Debug.start(31, 30, 0, 115200) waitcnt(clkfreq*2 +cnt) Debug.tx(Debug#CLS) imu.start(15, 14, 13) repeat Debug.Str(String("Roll angle: ")) rollangle := imu.get_angle_Roll Debug.Str(fstring.FloatToString(rollangle)) Debug.Str(String(Debug#CLS))
Thank you!