More USB Interface choices
Besides the 'usual suspects' of FTDI style RS232 USB links, there is a growing series of low cost Microcontrollers, with USB effectively 'for free', and in smaller pin count packages.
Microchip's TSSOP32 PIC32, Freescale, Silabs, - these are smarter than FTDI, but needed some code, and the flash nature could be less 'bench friendly'
I see NXP now have another in their small LPC11Uxx series, now with USB code in ROM.
The details so far does not say if you can get useful work _solely_ from the ROM, or if some small FLASH kernal is needed too.
A part that allowed SFR access via USB/ROM, could be a useful 'no code' peripheral - PC code would be enough to config a timer for CLK out, for example, or Select a ADC channel and read.
Microchip's TSSOP32 PIC32, Freescale, Silabs, - these are smarter than FTDI, but needed some code, and the flash nature could be less 'bench friendly'
I see NXP now have another in their small LPC11Uxx series, now with USB code in ROM.
The details so far does not say if you can get useful work _solely_ from the ROM, or if some small FLASH kernal is needed too.
A part that allowed SFR access via USB/ROM, could be a useful 'no code' peripheral - PC code would be enough to config a timer for CLK out, for example, or Select a ADC channel and read.
I recently got a DuinoMite (PIC32) to play with and that pops up on the computer as a USB2.
I wonder if the Prop II will have enough smarts to have a USB slave driver encoded into ROM?
There are lots of small 8-bit devices with USB, in DIL, such as the PIC18f2455. They are quite easy to use, with free C libraries. Here is a project of mine using one:
The point is not really the 'processing power', it is more to do with what is in ROM, and the peripherals that can allow things like Clock Generation and timing/frequency measurement - as well as price.
There is very little adder for 32 bit these days, and the core is less appealing, than the better timers, for example.
Any core can pump bytes
I downloaded and quickly scanned the NXP code, but it looks early beta, and does not mention what is in ROM on those newest parts.
In theory, it should be able to slash the code-complexity, and give more focus on 'test and measure' features.