Seeking PropBASIC memory saving tips.
For my senior project to graduate high school, I am building a large LED sign of the FIRST Robotics logo that is comprised of 24 channels of LEDs, rounding to around 280 or so total LEDs. I've been using the PropBASIC for my Propeller chip since I'm already somewhat familiar with BASIC, especially with this type of project. The code for this project is really just tons of HIGH, LOW, TOGGLE, and PAUSE commands, nothing too fancy. However, due to having to send many commands to accomplish very small patterns because I've got to use 24 output pins, I run of out memory very quickly.
Are there any memory saving tips that anyone has to offer so that I may make real many of the ideas I've got for this sign?
I've made the DELAY_MS subroutine to save space with the many PAUSE commands. I tried doing the same with the HIGH, LOW, and TOGGLE commands, but it didn't work. Perhaps I just did not do it properly?
I'm the first person to go through my school's Electronics program to use the Propeller chip, so even my teacher is not too familiar with what the chip can do or how to do it. Doing a little bit of research, I've seen that the Propeller has 8 cogs (or at least I'm pretty sure it's eight). Is there a way to use the multiple cogs to my advantage and gain more memory space?
I apologize if these questions have obvious answers and are just a nuisance to this forum.
I appreciate the help that you all have to offer this poor novice!
Are there any memory saving tips that anyone has to offer so that I may make real many of the ideas I've got for this sign?
I've made the DELAY_MS subroutine to save space with the many PAUSE commands. I tried doing the same with the HIGH, LOW, and TOGGLE commands, but it didn't work. Perhaps I just did not do it properly?
I'm the first person to go through my school's Electronics program to use the Propeller chip, so even my teacher is not too familiar with what the chip can do or how to do it. Doing a little bit of research, I've seen that the Propeller has 8 cogs (or at least I'm pretty sure it's eight). Is there a way to use the multiple cogs to my advantage and gain more memory space?
I apologize if these questions have obvious answers and are just a nuisance to this forum.
I appreciate the help that you all have to offer this poor novice!

To use LMM simply add LMM to the PROGRAM line. As in:
Let me know if that helps.
Yes, I am the developer of PropBasic. If you need any help feel free to ask.
I'm glad you find PropBasic so helpful. Good luck on your project.