Propeller-GCC Demos
Propeller-GCC demo packages have been posted at
The propgcc-demos packages can be produced and downloaded in less time than the GCC test packages.
Windows users should download the zip package.
2011-11-29: Initial demo package distributions. Removed "echo" from Makefiles.
The propgcc-demos packages can be produced and downloaded in less time than the GCC test packages.
Windows users should download the zip package.
2011-11-29: Initial demo package distributions. Removed "echo" from Makefiles.
Surely there should only be one demo package for all platforms?
As I Linux user a tar ball would be nice but we can live with a zip just as well.
Version v0_1_10 is functionally equivalent to windows v0_1_9 except for some demo and loader changes.
I don't have a Mac so I can't help with that.
@jazzed, Thank you!
I've downloaded the windows version & reading the README_WINDOWS.txt. In point 3, it said I need to run the SETPATH batch file. I think it there should be a setpath.bat in propgcc directory but it seems to be missing. It is just:
[ADD] Added the path & OK now.
Sorry about that. I updated the file but haven't posted a new package with it yet.
You can double-click PropGCC.bat from explorer to start a new command window.