Games programming

Hi All - I'd like to see if anyone can help me with a bit of advice slightly off the robot mainstream, but I'm srue there are plenty who can help me
I remember in my early days struggling with basic on my commodore 64 and what fun it gave me to finally produce a basic game - akin now to the fun I have struggling with BASIC for the STAMP.
My 11 year old - who is brighter than me and with a higher geek reating has been nagging me to find him a way to program his own computer game - he's very keen and staggeringly quick on the uptake - He reads steven Hawking and does algebra for fun, so he's a bit unusual for an 11 year old!
So to my question - can someone advise what I should start him off with as an introduction ?? I got rid of the commodore years ago and we now run windows vista. Surely there must be some tutorials around he could follow - I'd back him against anything that's designed for an average 16 year old, so It needn't be too dummy.
I'd welcome a bit of advice on how I get him a quick start with something useful that delivers gratifying results reasonably fast. I'll have to learn with him I'm afraid as my skills lie in different directions!
would really welcome your thoughts
I remember in my early days struggling with basic on my commodore 64 and what fun it gave me to finally produce a basic game - akin now to the fun I have struggling with BASIC for the STAMP.
My 11 year old - who is brighter than me and with a higher geek reating has been nagging me to find him a way to program his own computer game - he's very keen and staggeringly quick on the uptake - He reads steven Hawking and does algebra for fun, so he's a bit unusual for an 11 year old!
So to my question - can someone advise what I should start him off with as an introduction ?? I got rid of the commodore years ago and we now run windows vista. Surely there must be some tutorials around he could follow - I'd back him against anything that's designed for an average 16 year old, so It needn't be too dummy.
I'd welcome a bit of advice on how I get him a quick start with something useful that delivers gratifying results reasonably fast. I'll have to learn with him I'm afraid as my skills lie in different directions!
would really welcome your thoughts
There are a few of us who are doing some game programming with the Propeller, using it's ability to handle video, sound, and controls over multiple cogs. The "retro" feel of Propeller gaming is simular to that of the Commodore 64, or Spectrum computers of yesteryear.
Here's a few links that you might find interesting:
Creating your own video game from scratch: (For the Propeller)
A collection of games for the Propeller: (So you can see what is being done)
Also, I have a wealth of materials which I'm currently moving to a new home (From the old SavageCircuits site) which may also be of interest.
That should keep him amused for months. I'm not into games, but it made programming a graphics interface for an unstable tracking (Jex-type) task very easy.
I think Python would be a better platform for all those listed above with the possibility of much more advanced games as an option. With Python you have a real option of adding the third dimension for run-around-shooting games. I've made games with Python before.. It's a reasonably capable performer and fairly fast with a huge gamer following with graphics and sound libraries readily available using transparency and alpha graphics, multiple channel sounds, the whole thing. It's all (mostly?) open source and most everyone is glad to share their code/methods/libraries.
Of course he won't make a first person 3D shoot em up game right off, but it's nice to start with a language you can grow with.
(BTW... I just retired from Microsoft after 20 years and did a lot in the XNA space.)
I work as a programmer in the video game industry, and I write a lot of tools in C# - it is definitely a "real world" language. If it's something he might be into as a career, it'd be an excellent head start for him.
If you want "Gratifying results fast" this is the program for you!
That's really a starter question. Or, is he looking for suggestions?
I'm a fan of the Hydra, but wouldn't invite any newbie to start fighting with pin differences between the Hydra and everything else.
This would make a good starter for anyone...
Then of course the book.. (ebook online)