TX one byte at 1Hz on existing 12VDC wire?

Anyone know of a simple way to pass some data on a wire that also supplies power? The existing 12VDC wire goes to a lamp. I need to put a microcontroller on the lamp and send it one byte a second. Running a separate signal wire is not an option. It only needs to be one byte a second. Less would be okay, absolute minimum is one byte every five seconds.
The cap keeps the bulb on during the brief, low-going excursions of the serial data.
I'm having some difficulty understanding what the zener is doing.
Here's another idea that might work:
The on/off-keyed 38KHz carrier could be provided by an H-bridge, MOSFET driver, etc., driven from a Stamp or Prop. The transformer impresses it onto the power line as a small voltage fluctuation, which is picked up by the IRED that's closely coupled to the IR remote control detector.
What (bad) would happen if the resistor nearest the zener is a 10k and the zener is replaced with a 4k7?
I like the second idea too.
and you use the first idea you would need to use Diode plus a Cap large enough to ride out the data low pulses.
Could share the lamps diode/cap but a little risky as the lamp will suck that cap dry in less than a ms. (or get really large cap =$)
So better make one separate for the volt regulator/mcu.
And if you don't mind that the lamp may dim for a few ms you could skip large cap for the lamp.