Looking for a good supplier for small metric hardware and plastic spacers
I have a project requiring a plastic spacer 11 mm long to fit a 2.5 mm bolt. Also looking for 2.5 mm x 15 mm long screws and nuts.
I usually use McMasterCarr for my specialty stuff .
I know Phil has another good site that I can not put my finger on right now.
For small spacers: http://www.bivar.com/spacers.asp (BTW, Mouser carries a good selection of Bivar spacers.)
Unless you need exact sizing, using standard spacers is cheaper. The 11mm spacer is very close to 7/16". You can shop these at numerous mail-order surplus, like All Electronics (now a Parallax reseller, I see!).
-- Gordon
I love their anodized 4-40 stuff, plus they take paypal.
Too funny! I built most of the robots in Robot Builder's Bonanza 1 from OSH hardware when I lived in NorCal many years ago. I then moved to LA, and discovered OSH is a creature unto itself, and most other stores don't compare, even the Big Box home improvement outlets. I'm lucky that there's an old skool TruValue store nearby that stocks aisles of oddball hardware (including exactly what Don is looking for) but these types of stores have become rare.
There are Fastenal outlets throughout the country, so they're good if you need something fast. Though I've discovered that like the local Grainger not every location has everything.
-- Gordon